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Results for school bullying (virginia)

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Author: Virginia. Department of Education

Title: Study of the Nature and Effectiveness of Virginia School Divisions' Antibullying Policies (HJR 625, 2011)

Summary: In 2011, the Virginia General Assembly passed House Joint Resolution No. 625, requesting the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) to study the nature and effectiveness oflocal school divisions' antibullying policies. Specifically, the directive ofthe resolution requested VDOE: to study the nature and effectiveness of local school divisions' antibullying policies, completing its meetings by November 30, 2011, and submitting to the Governor and General Assembly an executive summary and a report of its findings and recommendations for publication as a House or Senate document...no later than the first day ofthe 2012 Regular Session of the General Assembly (January II, 2012). The study directives were: 1. To review and compare "antibullying measures in the student codes of conduct from each school division;" n. To compare "existing policies with the Department (of Education's) model policy for codes of student conduct;" and iii. To detennine "if improvements to existing policies are warranted, in order to more effectively combat bullying in Virginia public schools." In response to this resolution, VDOE surveyed all school divisions regarding policies, regulations, procedures, discipline actions, prevention and intervention programs, and strategies surrounding bullying. VDOE worked with the Center for School Safety within the Department of Criminal Justice Services to utilize school-level data from the 2011 Virginia School Safety Audit (SSA). VDOE contracted with the School of Education at Virginia Commonwealth University to conduct the study. Methodology of the study included several steps. A review was conducted of bullying policies collected in a VDOE division-level survey and division-written policies posted on school division Web sites. Themes across school division policies were culled. Division-level policies also were compared to ten components of best practice identified by a literature review and review of the policies of states held in high national regard surrounding bullying efforts. Four of the elements of the Board of Education's Student Conduct Policy Guidelines (2009) were examined as they coincide with the ten components of best practice. These components are: (I) standards of student conduct; (2) training of school personnel; (3) dissemination and review of standards; and (4) discipline procedures. In addition, school-level activities, programs, and policies as reported by schools in the SSA were examined. Study Findings It was found that all school divisions in Virginia meet the requirements of the Code of Virginia and include bullying as a part of character education and as a prohibited behavior.

Details: Richmond: Virginia Department of Education, 2012. 56p.

Source: Internet Resource: House Document No. 7: Accessed July 25, 2012 at: http://www.doe.virginia.gov/support/prevention/bullying/2011_legislative_study.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.doe.virginia.gov/support/prevention/bullying/2011_legislative_study.pdf

Shelf Number: 125771

School Bullying (Virginia)
School Crimes
School Discipline