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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 9:04 am

Results for school shootings (finland)

1 results found

Author: Poutvaara, Panu

Title: School Shootings and Student Performance

Summary: This paper studies how high school students reacted to the shocking news of a school shooting. The shooting coincided with national high-school matriculation exams. As there were exams both before and after the shooting, it was possible to perform a difference-in-differences analysis to uncover how the school shooting affected the text scores compared to previous years. The study found that the average score of young men declined due to the school shooting, whereas there was not a similar pattern for women.

Details: Bonn, Germany: Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), 2010. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource; IZA Discussion Paper No. 5009

Year: 2010

Country: Finland


Shelf Number: 119136

School Shootings (Finland)
School Violence
Violent Crime