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Results for secretariat of administration penitentiary

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Author: Tinoco, Dandara

Title: Na Porta de Saida, a Entrada No Trabalho: Politicas Para a Expansao do Emprego de Presos e Egressos no Rio de Janeiro (At the Door of Exit, Entrance at Work: Policies for the Expansion of the Employment of Prisoners and Graduates in Rio de Janeiro)

Summary: Introduction Although there are different views on how to make progress in the penitentiary system, there are consensus among policymakers and experts on the theme in the Brazilian context. Recent episodes - such as the death of more than 120 people in rebellions in prisons of Amazonas, Roraima and Rio Grande do Norte in 20172 - turned their attention to such as the more than 720 thousand people imprisoned in Brazil, in a system with 368 thousand vacancies. The high occupancy rate, of 197 percent, has a direct negative impact on prison management, not only in conditions, but also the ability of the public basic services to prisoners. If the serious complications related to health and social assistance are better known, the question of work and its relation with the reduction of recidivism is still little explored in the public debate, between managers, civil society and the private sector. The lack of employment opportunities for people prey and for egressas of the prison system demands attention mainly by the relation between work, remission of sentence, financial autonomy and reintegration. It is worth noting that the time of release from prison is of special social and economic vulnerability for the newly freed person. Brazilian legislation presents a series of provisions on the work of prisoners. The Law of Criminal Procedure (LEP) brings 52 mentions to the word "work" and provides that it has educational purpose and productive. The numbers of prisoners who work in Brazil, however, are low. Only 15 percent of prisoners are involved in work activities. In the state of Rio de Janeiro - focus of this analysis-, only 1.7 percent. There is little information about the work of prisoners. This is explained in part because of the lack of specific and structured public policies for this audience - which at least 194,000 people in the first half of 2016 throughout the country. The recent edition of a presidential decree that determines that companies providing services to the federal government should hiring people arrested and released shed light on the subject. This first signaling of a national prison labor policy has generated growing on the subject. National and international legal mechanisms point out that the time of restriction of freedom must be used, among other things, to provide conditions for the grieving person to return to the society without breaking laws. There are few studies on the impact of employment for prisoners and graduates in Brazil. At the international level, however, program evaluations support to the insertion in the labor market of graduates point directly to the reduction of criminal re-offenses and re-entry into the prison system. In addition, United States show that labor activities developed during the time of positive impacts, such as income generation and professional gain. Thus, would mitigate the impacts of criminal organizations on those individuals. Development policies to work for people incarcerated and unemployed, together with social assistance, education and training are therefore central instruments for breaking cycles of violence. In view of the presented scenario, the present strategic article maps the current state of the art of access to work by prisoners and graduates and a series of opportunities and challenges to their expansion into Rio de Janeiro state. The main results were: - In Rio de Janeiro, several public agencies and institutions, such as the Secretariat of Administration Penitentiary (Seap), Santa Cabrini Foundation, Patronato Magarino Torres, Public Defender's Office of the State of Rio de Janeiro (DPERJ), Public Ministry of the State of Rio de Janeiro (MPRJ) Court of Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro (VEP-RJ) work of prisoners and graduates. This makes their employment expansion dependent on an articulated work between these different institutional actors. - There are opportunities for advancement in relation to the topic in the state. Economic advantages and gains in social responsibility are attractive to entrepreneurs. On the other hand, bureaucratic, low level of schooling and stigma are challenges to be overcome. - Employment analysis for prisoners and graduates offered by eight companies and bodies public in the state of Rio shows high turnover in vacancies aimed at these people, by negative and positive factors. Instability indicates that safety is low guarantee of work. All employers report that the initiative to seek partnerships to hire prisoners and departed departed from them and not from the public power. - According to the answers, the average age (above 28 years) of the contractors is higher than that of the prison population in general. Half of the contractors employ men and women, and the other half only men. General services is the activity in which prisoners / egressos act that appears more frequently. - It is possible to build a state public policy to expand the work of prisoners and graduates Actions in several areas, such as training, processes and communication strategy. This strategic article is divided into five parts, in addition to this introduction. First, we evidence on the relationship between work and social reintegration, as well as an overview of the subject and numbers in the national context. Next, we present the situation of the Rio de Janeiro, indicating data and key actors. Then we delved into the work of prisoners and graduates in the state. The following section consists of an analysis of experiences of contracting this public. Finally, we bring forward public policy proposals for the expansion of prison labor and graduates of the penitentiary system of Rio de Janeiro. Although the table in the state presents challenges, there are various ways forward.

Details: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Instituto Igarape, 2018. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource in Portuguese: Accessed January 11, 2019 at: https://igarape.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Na-porta-de-saida-a-entrada-no-trabalho-pressos-e-egressos.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Brazil

URL: https://igarape.org.br/en/rethinking-employment-strategies-for-prison-inmates-and-parolees/?utm_campaign=2018_newsletter_10&utm_medium=email&utm_source=RD+Station

Shelf Number: 154136

Law of Criminal Procedure
Prison Labor Policy
Prison Management
Prisoner Reentry
Prisoner Work
Public Ministry of the State of Rio de Janeiro
Secretariat of Administration Penitentiary