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Results for security sector (west africa)

1 results found

Author: Gaanderse, Miranda

Title: The Security Sector and Gender in West Africa: A Survey of Police, Defence, Justice and Penal Services in ECOWAS States

Summary: This report, published in English and French, aims to systematically document the status of gender integration in the security sectors in 14 Member States of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). The report is designed to be a resource for people working in, or with, security sector institutions; for those interested in governance and development in West Africa; and for those involved in gender-related issues. It combines information gathered by in-country researchers, interviews, document analysis and desk research. Much of the data in this report has never before been published or compared across countries in the region. The survey is guided by the following two questions: Are security sector institutions providing adequate response to the different security and justice needs of men, women, boys and girls? What steps have been taken to create internally equitable, representative and non-discriminatory institutions? The report contains three main sections: an introduction, a summary and analysis of findings, and individual country profiles. The introduction provides background on the survey rationale, methodology and research challenges. The summary and analysis of findings offers a cross-country and cross-institution analysis of the survey findings, and includes a list of recommendations. The 14 extensive country profiles present easy-to-read yet detailed information structured by 101 indicators on national governance, police services, armed forces and gendarmerie, the justice system and penal services. The report can be downloaded as a single document in English and French, or in individual sections.

Details: Geneva: DCAF (Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces), 2011. 267p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 23, 2019 at: https://www.files.ethz.ch/isn/141906/00_Complete_West%20Africa_gender_survey.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Africa

URL: https://www.files.ethz.ch/isn/141906/00_Complete_West%20Africa_gender_survey.pdf

Shelf Number: 124352

Administration of Justice
Correctional Institutions
Evaluative Studies
Female Police Officers
Security Sector (West Africa)