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Results for self-report study

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Author: Kivivuori, Janne

Title: Supervision Mode Effects in School-Based Delinquency and Victimization Survey: Preliminary Test

Summary: The Finnish Self-Report Delinquency Study is a standardised indicator system with repeated nationally representative sweeps since 1995. Targeting ninth grade students (15–16-year-olds), the system is based on self-administered paper-and-pencil responding in school classes supervised by teachers who follow a strict data collection procedure. The respondents fill out the anonymous questionnaire in a classroom situation supervised by a teacher. Originally, the decision to use teachers as data collectors was influenced by an Icelandic methods study which indicated that student responses to drug use-related questions were not influenced by the supervision mode used (outside vs. teacher supervision, see Bjarnason 1995). The finding was subsequently supported by a Swiss study where Lucia et al. (2007) compared paper-and-pencil data collection with computerized data collection. Here, the paper-and-pencil data collection situation was supervised by outside researchers, while most of the computer mode data collection was supervised by a teacher (p. 47). Since the findings were roughly similar in both paper & pencil and computer conditions, this suggests that the mode of supervision did not have a considerable impact on the results. More recently, a Swiss study examined the influence of supervision condition in computerized data collection, and observed few if any differences (Walser & Killias, forthcoming). In the future, the FSRD will be shifted to computer-based administration. In that context, various types of methodological research are conducted. This research brief reports on the findings of a preliminary test of supervision mode influences within the paper-and pencil mode.

Details: Helsinki: National Research Institute of Legal Policy, 2011. 8p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Brief 20/2011: Accessed February 27, 2015: http://www.optula.om.fi/material/attachments/optula/julkaisut/verkkokatsauksia-sarja/MWnVSqLYd/Verkko20_Kivivuori_Salmi.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Finland

URL: http://www.optula.om.fi/material/attachments/optula/julkaisut/verkkokatsauksia-sarja/MWnVSqLYd/Verkko20_Kivivuori_Salmi.pdf

Shelf Number: 134730

Child Victims
Juvenile Delinquents (Finland)
Self-Report Study
Victimization Survey