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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

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Results for sentencing (scotland)

2 results found

Author: Weaver, Beth

Title: User Views of Punishment: The Dynamics of Community-­‐ based Punishment: Insider Views from the Outside

Summary: This report explores the experience of community sentences from the perspective of those subject to them and is part of a larger project on ‘User Views of Punishment’ in which we attempt to document what the punished think of punishment: how it works, what it means and how it fits into the larger context of a person’s life. Where a previous SCCJR research report (No.04/2010) explored research findings with a particular focus on the experience and effects of short prison sentences from the perspective of those serving them, this research report provides highlights of findings from the analysis with a specific focus on the experience and effects of both prison and community sanctions from the perspective of those currently subject to community sanctions, whose penal experience includes short prison sentences.

Details: Edinburgh: Scottish Centre for Crime & Justice Research, 2011. 35p.

Source: Internet Resoruce: Research Report No. 03/2011: Accessed April 18, 2011 at: http://www.sccjr.ac.uk/documents/Report%202011%2003%20User%20Views%20of%20Punishment-1.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.sccjr.ac.uk/documents/Report%202011%2003%20User%20Views%20of%20Punishment-1.pdf

Shelf Number: 121373

Alternatives to Imprisonment
Community Based Corrections
Sentencing (Scotland)

Author: Armstrong, Sarah

Title: User Views of Punishment: The comparative experience of short prison sentences and community-based punishments

Summary: Despite a substantial knowledge base about experiences of prison, there is scant research on the most common penal experience in Scotland – doing a short prison sentence (but see Criminal Justice Forum, 2003). Short prison sentences are one of the characteristic features of imprisonment in Scotland, where the vast majority of custodial sentences issued in a year (ranging anywhere between 75% and 80%) are for six months or less (Scottish Government, 2010). The current Government is pursuing an agenda to reduce the short sentence culture in Scotland, by expanding the use of community-based forms of punishment and creating a legal presumption against the use of very short stays in prison. In addition, there is also growing belief that bringing the voices of ‘users’ into policy deliberations and development are essential for the effective design and delivery as well as the credibility of public services (Weaver, 2010). Prisoners and offenders – like victims, communities, and criminal justice professionals – are a key user group of criminal justice services, and the Government has expressed interest in learning more about the perspectives of various users. In light of these developments, we sought the views of people experiencing typically brief jail sentences as well as the views of those who have experience of community-based sanctions, the intended alternative. This research was proposed to begin filling our gap in knowledge as well as to provide relevant information to policy makers and others involved in or affected by the current reform programme. This report highlights emerging themes of the analysis with a particular focus on the experience and effects of imprisonment. A forthcoming research report will focus on the experiences and effects of community sanctions. We are continuing to review interview transcripts as well as explore the relevant theoretical frameworks being used to interpret the voices of offenders and would be happy to present this work to interested groups.

Details: Edinburgh: Scottish Centre for Crime & Justice Research, 2010. 35p.

Source: Research Report No. 04/2010: Internet Resource: Accessed March 20, 2012 at http://www.sccjr.ac.uk/documents/Report%202010%2004%20-%20User%20Views%20of%20Punishment.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.sccjr.ac.uk/documents/Report%202010%2004%20-%20User%20Views%20of%20Punishment.pdf

Shelf Number: 124589

Alternatives to Imprisonment
Community Based Corrections
Sentencing (Scotland)