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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:03 pm

Results for service stations

1 results found

Author: Moffatt, Steve

Title: The relationship between petrol theft and gasoline prices

Summary: NSW there has been a sharp increase in the incidence of fraud at service stations in recent years. More than four out of five of these incidents are related to petrol theft. Typically, a person fills a car's tank with petrol and then drives off without paying. Over the same period, the price of petrol has also increased considerably. This paper shows that there is a strong correlation between higher petrol prices and the increase in petrol theft. Also associated with the increased theft of petrol is an increase in the incidence of number plate theft

Details: Sydney: Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research New South Wales, 2006. 6p.

Source: Internet Resource: Contemporary Issues in Crime and Justice, no. 101. (Available from the Rutgers Criminal Justice Library)

Year: 2006

Country: Australia


Shelf Number: 104176

Gasoline Theft
Petrol Theft
Service Stations