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Results for sex exploitation

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Author: Chemonics Interntional Inc.

Title: USAID Anti-Trafficking Assessment in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Synthesis and Analysis

Summary: This report presents an assessment of trafficking in persons in five counties in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) regioin: Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Equador. It provides a synthesis of best practices, challenges and recommendations in combating trafficking in persons within the LAC region.

Details: Washington, DC: United States Agency for International Development, 2007. 45p.


Year: 2007

Country: Central America


Shelf Number: 117720

Human Trafficking (Ecuador, Jamaica, Dominican Rep
Sex Exploitation

Author: Minarik, Peter

Title: Human Trafficking in Texas: More Resources and Resolve Needed to Stem Surge of Modern Day Slavery

Summary: The Texas Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights sumits this report, Human Trafficking in Texas - More Resources and Resolve Needed to Stem Surge in Modern Day Slavery, as part of its responsibility to examine and report on civil rights issues under the jurisdiction of the Commission. This report is the unanimous statement by all members of the Texas Committee and is approved. Human trafficking is the cruel and vicious practice of transporting human beings for the purpose of labor or sex exploitation. At its core is a violation of the fundamental civil rights of its victims. Women are the overwhelming victims of human trafficking, and victims generally come from impoverished circumstances with the majority being from indigenous populations or ethnic minorities. The trafficking of humans is a growing problem in this country, and Texas - as one of the largest border states in the United States - is considered a major destination and transit state for human trafficking. Human trafficking is a high-profit and relatively low-risk business with ample supply and growing demand. Every year, it is estimated that one million to two million persons world-wide are victims of human trafficking. In 2010, for the first time, the United States was ranked in the State Department's annual Trafficking in Persons Report that documents human trafficking and modern slavery. The report found that in America, men, women, and children were subject to trafficking for "forced labor, debt bondage, and force prostitution." Tragically, despite the shocking statistics and the inherent brutality of human trafficking, it is a crime that still has not captured the attention of the public nor made it to the top of political agendas. Few cases ever make it to the courts, and in a cruel irony it is often the victim rather than the perpetrator who is prosecuted for an illegal activity. There continues to be limited resources for law enforcement, and few resources devoted to rehabilitating its victims. Apart from the obvious civil rights violations of the victims, it needs to be emphasized that human trafficking - like all civil rights violations - also has a pernicious effect on the economy; stresses the local tax base; and puts added pressure on border enforcement and national security. In issuing this report the Texas Advisory Committee seeks to bring attention to the pernicious problem of human trafficking; the limited resources devoted to combating this problem; and the likely long-term high social costs for the general society if this civil rights issue is not addressed.

Details: TX: Texas Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights, 2011. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 2, 2012 at http://www.usccr.gov/pubs/TX_HT_Report--ver%2050--FINAL.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.usccr.gov/pubs/TX_HT_Report--ver%2050--FINAL.pdf

Shelf Number: 127108

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking (Texas)
Sex Exploitation