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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:12 pm

Results for sex offences

1 results found

Author: Mouser, Meredith

Title: An Analysis of Sex Offenses in Oklahoma Using Incident-Based Reporting Data

Summary: The Oklahoma Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) conducted an analysis of sex offenses reported by local law enforcement to the Oklahoma State Incident-Based Reporting System (SIBRS) in 2015. The statewide analysis included four sex offenses: forcible rape, forcible sodomy, sexual assault with an object, and forcible fondling. Researchers analyzed 1,315 reports that included 1,489 separate offenses (some reports included multiple offenses). The reports included 1,423 unique victims of a sex offense and 1,440 offenders. Key findings: - In 2015, 199 law enforcement agencies submitted reports through SIBRS containing at least one sex offense; - June had the largest (127) number of sex offenses reported, while February had the least (93); - In the majority of reports (82%), the victim(s) were known to the offender(s); - The majority of offenses (75.9%) took place in a residence; - The most frequently used weapons reported were personal weapons (hands, feet, fists, ect.).

Details: Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Statistical Analysis Center, 2017. 22p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 24, 2019 at: https://osbi.ok.gov/sites/g/files/gmc476/f/publications/2018/09/An_Analysis_of_Sex_Offenses_Using_SIBRS_-_Final.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United States

URL: https://osbi.ok.gov/sites/g/files/gmc476/f/publications/2018/09/An_Analysis_of_Sex_Offenses_Using_SIBRS_-_Final.pdf

Shelf Number: 156619

Crime Statistics
Sex Crimes
Sex Offences
Sex Offenders