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Results for sex offender notification laws

1 results found

Author: Harris, Andrew

Title: Law Enforcement Perspectives on Sex Offender Registration and Notification: Supplemental Report on Open-Ended Responses on Policy Recommendations

Summary: The data presented in this report are drawn from a national survey, administered online in the spring of 2015, as the second part of a two-phase national study to elicit law enforcement perspectives on the functions, utility, and operation of sex offender registration and notification systems in the United States. The study's first phase featured a series of semi-structured interviews conducted in 2014 with 105 law enforcement professionals in five states and two tribal jurisdictions. Items for this survey were developed based on themes, experiences, and perspectives emerging from those interviews. The survey was administered through the services of Campbell Rinker, a marketing research and survey firm. Participants were invited to complete the survey via targeted email outreach, utilizing a nationwide commercial list of 8,840 police chiefs and command staff and a list of 2,921 county sheriffs obtained from the National Sheriffs Association. Following initial outreach, prospective respondents were contacted through three waves of follow-up. The survey was open for five weeks between April and May of 2015. The transmittal email included details on the survey scope and purpose, and a link to the survey. Respondents were informed that the survey was intended for completion by agency leadership (e.g., police chiefs, sheriffs), personnel involved in sex offender registration and management, and specialized personnel involved in sex crime investigations. The survey items presented to each respondent varied, with piping logic based on stated agency functions, respondent roles, and jurisdictional characteristics. Respondent and agency characteristics of the survey sample are summarized on pages 2-4 in the initial survey. The final sample included representation from 49 states (all states with the exception of Hawaii), and from the District of Columbia. 60.0% of the survey sample came from local police departments, 39.3% from county sheriffs, and the remainder (<1%) from other types of agencies including state law enforcement agencies. Respondents were fairly evenly divided among senior agency command staff (34.9% of the sample), line-level commanders and supervisors (29.8%), and line-level staff (35.3% total, consisting of 26.6% uniform and 8.7% civilian). The initial survey results report, issued in August of 2015, provided the tabulated statistics for the survey’s structured items. This report presents the results of the survey's unstructured (open-response) items, particularly those related to law enforcement recommendations related to policy priorities. The first peer-reviewed analysis and discussion of survey results was published online ahead of print in Criminal Justice Policy Review in June 2016, and is available at this link

Details: Lowell, MA: University of Massachusetts Lowell, 2016. 23p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 21, 2016 at: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/250114.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/250114.pdf

Shelf Number: 147854

Sex Offender Notification Laws
Sex Offender Registration
Sex Offenders