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Results for sex offenders (montana)

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Author: Bumby, Kurt

Title: A Report to the Montana Department of Corrections on the Establishment of a Minimum Security Sex Offender Treatment Facility

Summary: In February 2007, the Montana Legislature passed Senate Bill 547. In addition to modifying criminal penalties for those convicted of sex offenses, expanding registration laws, defining conditions and requirements for sex offender assessments and treatment, and other measures designed to strengthen Montana’s management of sex offenders, this Bill allows “the Department of Corrections to contract for a residential sexual offender treatment program.” Senate Bill 547 provides the opportunity to expand the capacity and continuum of treatment services for sex offenders and augment ancillary services for this population. Perhaps most importantly, it creates an opportunity for a systemwide strengthening of sex offender management policies and practices. Indeed, for this facility to be successful – with success defined as delivering to sex offenders the level and type of interventions that are most likely to result in recidivism reduction – the broader system of sex offender management must be observed. Recognizing the unique opportunity Senate Bill 547 offers, the Montana Department of Corrections (DOC) contracted with the Center for Sex Offender Management (CSOM) to provide recommendations for the establishment of this new facility and enhancement of the broader system of sex offender management that are necessary for supporting the success of the facility. The resulting report is comprised of three sections that are designed to provide the DOC with a comprehensive analysis that can assist them in these efforts. Section I outlines the rationale and scope of work for the consultants, which was not limited by an exclusive focus on the establishment of a minimum security sex offender treatment facility; rather, the consultants also explored critical areas of policy and practice in Montana that will ultimately influence the establishment and successful operation of this facility. Section II addresses four fundamental areas of sex offender management (assessment, treatment, supervision, and reentry). Within each of these areas, a summary of relevant contemporary research and practice, the consultants’ understanding and observations regarding policy and practice in Montana, and issues for consideration are included. Section III of the report includes the consultants’ suggestions regarding the parameters for defining the minimum security sex offender treatment facility’s offender population and programmatic structure, as well as key facility-specific and broader system supports. The extent to which Montana has embraced promising practices in many areas of sex offender management is particularly noteworthy. Indeed, the overall sex offender management structure currently in place has the potential to contribute significantly to public safety. At the same time, the need to develop a policy-driven approach to sex offender management within the state is evident. The existing structure can be strengthened by the establishment of a multidisciplinary policy-level group whose mission is to oversee and advance sex offender management policy and practice throughout the criminal justice system.

Details: Silver Spring, MD: Center for Effective Public Policy, Center for Sex Offender Management, 2008. 83p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 17, 2012 at: http://cor.mt.gov/content/Resources/Reports/mtreportsexofftreatment.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: United States

URL: http://cor.mt.gov/content/Resources/Reports/mtreportsexofftreatment.pdf

Shelf Number: 126354

Sex Offender Management
Sex Offenders (Montana)
Treatment Programs