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Results for sex trade

6 results found

Author: George, Carrie

Title: Deconstructing The Demand for Prostitution: Preliminary Insights From Interviews With Chicago Men Who Purchase Sex: Further Insights: A Comparison of Men Who Purchase Sex Indoors Versus Outdoors

Summary: In December of 2006 and June of 2007 the Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE), Prostitution Research and Education (PRE), and the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless (CCH) launched a research initiative in Chicago to investigate the cognitive and behavioral patterns of men who purchase sex. A research team of ten individuals, including three survivors of the sex trade, were trained by CAASE and PRE. In the course of four days in December of 2006 the interview team interviewed 54 men who purchase sex. Interviews were held in a public hotel lobby in order to ensure safety for the interviewer and to reassure interviewees that this was, in fact, a legitimate interview and not a policesting. In June of 2007 the second 59 interviews were conducted. These interviews were held in private meeting rooms of Chicago Public Libraries. Participants for this study were recruited by an advertisement that was published weekly in the Chicago Reader and Chicago After Dark (free news publications). The advertisement was also run daily in the “Erotic Services” section of Craigslist. Craigslist is a community website where people can find jobs, locate roommates, sell furniture, etc. It is also a website where people can advertise “erotic services” which is mostly code for prostitution. In the last year there has been increased public awareness of Craigslist as a location where pimps and johns sell and buy sex in great numbers. On Craigslist Chicago men can find thousands of women in prostitution who sell sex in homes, hotels, motels, apartment-based brothels and massage parlor brothels1. We posted our ad in the “Erotic Services” section of Craigslist since we knew men who buy sex would likely be using that website. Our ad read as follows: Chicago based Research Organization is looking to interview men who have paid for commercial sex. Interviews last two hours and are completely confidential. We pay $40.00 in cash at the end of each interview. If interested, please call XXX-XXXXXXX or e-mail _______________. In total, the research team interviewed 113 men who buy sex. In 2008, CAASE released Deconstructing The Demand for Prostitution: Preliminary Insights From Interviews With Chicago Men Who Purchase Sex,2 which summarized the demographic and cognitive characteristics of the men who were interviewed. This report is meant to be the first in a series of addendums meant to give additional insights into men who buy sex.

Details: Chicago: Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE), 2010. 9p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 7, 2012 at: http://g.virbcdn.com/_f/files/2e/FileItem-149843-JohnsWhoPurchaseInsideVersusOutside.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://g.virbcdn.com/_f/files/2e/FileItem-149843-JohnsWhoPurchaseInsideVersusOutside.pdf

Shelf Number: 125507

Sex Trade
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Kohm, Steven A.

Title: Sex Work and City Planning: Winnipeg's Red Light District Committee and the Regulation of Prostitution

Summary: In November of 1999, a Manitoba Provincial Court decision called into question the City of Winnipeg's ability to regulate off-street prostitution through its municipal licencing by-law for escort services. The result was a lengthy process that saw the city establish a volunteer committee to investigate the regulation of the sex trade in Winnipeg and make recommendations about what could be done in the future. This paper examines the process by which the volunteer committee arrived at its recommendations, and the resulting response from city bureaucrats and officials within the provincial Department of Justice. In the end, most of the committee's recommendations did not result in any concrete action by the city or province, and perhaps the most significant one - the creation of a new city by-law to regulate the industry - is, nearly two years later, still in the planning phase. In the meantime, the province has put into place a tough new law to deal with the sex and drug trade. At present, the city has yet to address the key concern of the court decision that began the process over three years ago: the development of a clear set of regulations for an industry badly in need of closer monitoring and supervision.

Details: Winnipeg: University of Winnipeg, Institute of Urban Studies, 2004. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research and Working Paper # 42: Accessed October 15, 2014 at: http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/faculty/ius/iusweb/pdf/Kohm_Selwood_ResearchWorkingPaper42.pdf

Year: 2004

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/faculty/ius/iusweb/pdf/Kohm_Selwood_ResearchWorkingPaper42.pdf

Shelf Number: 133884

Prostitution (Canada)
Sex Trade
Sex Workers

Author: Young Women's Empowerment Project

Title: Girls do what they have to do to survive: methods used by girls in the sex trade and street economy to fight back and heal

Summary: This report summarises the research compiled by the Young Women's Empowerment Project in Chicago (United States) about violence & resistance for girls involved in the sex trade. It also examines attitudes and practices for harm reduction, self care, advocacy, and empowerment. Contents Include: -Youth Activist Summary -About YWEP -Our Research -The Learning Questions -Research Design & Data Collection -Demographic Information -The Findings -Our thoughts -Next steps -Tool Kit -What you need to know about girls in the sex trade -Vocabulary

Details: Chicago: Young Women's Empowerment Project, 2009. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 15, 2014 at: http://www.nswp.org/sites/nswp.org/files/Girls%20do%20what%20they%20have%20to%20do%20to%20survive%20A%20study%20of%20resilience%20and%20resistance.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: United States

URL: http://www.nswp.org/sites/nswp.org/files/Girls%20do%20what%20they%20have%20to%20do%20to%20survive%20A%20study%20of%20resilience%20and%20resistance.pdf

Shelf Number: 133883

Sex Trade
Sex Workers (U.S.)

Author: Niemi, Johanna

Title: Abuse of a victim of sex trade. Evaluation of the Finnish sex purchase ban

Summary: The report explores the effectiveness of the offence 'abuse of a victim of sex trade', (Criminal Code, chapter 20 section 8). Enacted in 2006, this provision prohibits the purchasing of sex from a victim of human trafficking or procuring. It is complemented by section 7 of the Public Order Act, which prohibits the purchasing and the offering for sale and selling of sex in a public place. The report also explores the situation in the UK and Sweden. Sweden has had a comprehensive sex purchase ban in place since 1999. Information on the situation in Sweden is available in a report published in 2010 and the annual reports of the National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings. The relevant legislation in the UK as reformed in 2009 closely resembles the Finnish corresponding legislation. Because no study of the effectiveness of the British legislation has yet been conducted, interviews were conducted to gain a better picture. The situation in Finland was explored through statistics and register data, interviews with 18 experts and a review of court documents. Statistics show that between 2006 and 2013, a total of 379 cases of 'abuse of a victim of sex trade' were registered by the police. Charges were brought against 49 persons and tried. The district courts have sentenced 42 persons for 'abuse of a victim of sex trade' or an attempt thereof. The default fine has been established at 20 day-fines. Fines for purchasing and selling sex, pursuant to the Public Order Act, were imposed in 106 cases between 2003 and 2011. Most of these fines were imposed on the sellers. Investigating and proving 'abuse of a victim of sex trade' has turned out to be challenging. The report concludes with recommendations.

Details: Helsinki: Finland Ministry of Justice, 2014. 137p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 17, 2014 at: http://oikeusministerio.fi/material/attachments/om/julkaisut/FMVCU3esJ/OMSO_13_2014_Sex_136_s_korjattu.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Finland

URL: http://oikeusministerio.fi/material/attachments/om/julkaisut/FMVCU3esJ/OMSO_13_2014_Sex_136_s_korjattu.pdf

Shelf Number: 133740

Human Trafficking
Sex Trade
Sex Trafficking
Sex Workers (Finland)
Sexual Violence
Victims of Crimes

Author: Manitoba. Manitoba Justice

Title: Working Together to Address Sexual Exploitation on our Streets

Summary: The sex trade has profoundly negative effects on neighbourhoods and the individuals involved on the streets. The Criminal Code of Canada (federal law) has measures to deal with the sex trade. The Manitoba government has also introduced many measures to discourage the harmful activities related to the sex trade and sexual exploitation. Manitobans in all neighbourhoods have an important role to play in addressing the sex trade and its impact on the community at large. This publication provides an overview of the sex trade, including its impact on the victims of sexual exploitation and the communities where it occurs. The publication is also a resource for neighbourhoods that wish to take action to help reduce the harm caused by street prostitution. Connecting communities to the many resources available will help us work together to address sexual exploitation on our streets. The information in this publication is based on the experience and advice of: - front line workers - Manitoba Family Services and Housing - law enforcement agencies - Crown attorneys - Manitoba Justice - community members

Details: Winnipeg, Manitoba: Manitoba Justice, Community Justice Branch, 2006. 57p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 27, 2014 at: http://www.gov.mb.ca/justice/safe/neighbourhoodsolutions.pdf

Year: 2006

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.gov.mb.ca/justice/safe/neighbourhoodsolutions.pdf

Shelf Number: 133828

Child Prostitution
Child Sexual Exploitation
Neighborhoods and Crime
Prostitution (Canada)
Sex Trade
Street Prostitution

Author: Young Women's Empowerment Project

Title: Denied help! How youth in the sex trade and street economy are turned awary from systems meant to help us and what we are doing to fight back

Summary: Why we started this research: We decided to do this research to show that we are not just objects that violence happens to - but that we are active participants in fighting back and bouncing back. We wanted to move away from the one-dimensional view of girls in the sex trade as only victims and look at all aspects of the situation: violence, our response to the violence, and how we fight back and heal on a daily basis. We build our community by figuring out how we can and do fight back collectively and the role of resilience in keeping girls strong enough to resist. Our research shows that girls in the sex trade face harm from both individuals and institutions. Nearly all the research we could find about girls in the sex trade only looks at individual violence. Many people seem to think that more institutions or social service systems is the solution. YWEP agrees that institutions can be helpful at times, but we also wanted to show the reality that we face: every day, girls are denied access to systems due to participation in the sex trade, being drug users, identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, or being undocumented. We know institutions and social services can and do cause harm in our lives. We present this research to show that the systems that claim to help girls are also causing harm. We want to show that girls in the sex trade are fighting back and healing on their own - within their communities and without relying upon systems.

Details: Chicago: Young Women's Empowerment Project, 2012. 60p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 30, 2015 at: https://ywepchicago.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/bad-encounter-line-report-20121.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: https://ywepchicago.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/bad-encounter-line-report-20121.pdf

Shelf Number: 135075

Sex Trade
Sex Workers
Sexual Violence