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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:59 am

Results for sex trafficking (cambodia)

1 results found

Author: United Nations Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking

Title: Cambodia: Exodus to the Sex Trade? Effects of the Global Financial Crisis on Women's Working Conditions and Opportunities

Summary: The objective of this research was to measure increases in human trafficking and exploitation in Cambodia as a result of the financial crisis, specifically, the trafficking of women and girls into the entertainment sector. Retrenched garment factory workers and female members of vulnerable rural families were two key populations of interest. Data was collected in April-May 2009 using a survey in Khmer, administered to 357 women and girls aged 15-49 currently working in Phnom Penh’s entertainment sector, including brothel workers, street workers, karaoke workers, and massage parlor workers. Information was collected on their family background; the conditions of their current work and how they got into it; debts they have incurred along the way, to whom, and for what; indicators of exploitation; and information on their previous job and why they left.

Details: Phnom Penh, Cambodia: UNIAP, 2009. 7p.

Source: SIREN Report CB-04: Internet Resource: Accessed December 2, 2012 at: http://www.no-trafficking.org/reports_docs/siren/siren_cb-04.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Cambodia

URL: http://www.no-trafficking.org/reports_docs/siren/siren_cb-04.pdf

Shelf Number: 127101

Human Trafficking (Cambodia)
Sex Tourism
Sex Trafficking (Cambodia)
Sexual Exploitation
Sexual Exploitation (Cambodia)