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Date: October 20, 2024 Sun

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Results for sex worker

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Author: Degenhardt, Tamara

Title: Veranderungen und Auswirkungen durch das ProstSchG auf die Prostitutionsszene in NRW (Changes and effects through the ProstSchG on the prostitution scene in NRW)

Summary: For many thousands of years, people have been offering sexual services for a fee, which is why this activity is often colloquially referred to as the oldest profession in the industry World is called. The perception and evaluation of sex work is subject since ever social norms and moral concepts and thus also the cultural Change. Recognition of sex work has undergone constant change throughout the history of prostitution. In today's society, sex workers are stigmatized and abusive in this area of ​​activity Structures, whereby the field of work sex work takes place in large parts in the dark field. The idea is to make the scene of sex work more visible and to create universally valid structures that protect the sex workers in their work and to support, entered the prostitution protection law in Germany on 01.07.2017 Force. In North Rhine-Westphalia, the primary responsibility for the implementation lies of the law at the current Ministry of Homeland, Communal, Construction and Equality. With the regulation to perform tasks under the law for Protection of persons working in prostitution (implementing ordinance Prostitute Protection Act North Rhine-Westphalia - DVO ProstSchG NRW) of 4 April 2017 to transfer the implementation to the districts and independent cities as district authority. Excluded here is statute 10 ProstSchG, which deals with the health advice. These tasks were assigned to the lower health authorities of the Transferring districts and cities. The district administration authorities and the lower ones Health authorities and their tasks are subject to the supervision of the competent district government. Supreme regulators are the Ministry of Home Affairs, Municipalities, Construction and Equality for the registration process, the Ministry of Labor, Health and Welfare for health advice and the Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Digitization and Energy for the commercial sector of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Persons who had been prostituting before 1 July 2017 had to register for the first time until 31 December 2017. Persons who had a prostitution business before 1 July 2017 had to notify the competent authority by 1 October 2017 and apply for To submit a permit by 31 December 2017. Advice centers, associations and associations suspected that the law enacted or the resulting interference in the everyday world of scene members would result in far-reaching changes in this environment. The reviews were moving in a spectrum of extremely negative fears, the sex workers Laws could be profoundly stigmatized, even glorifying Views, through the Legislative Decree and the associated regulation prevented any abuse. In this context, the counseling center KOBER was sponsored by the Sozialdienstes katholischer Frauen e. V. Ortsverein Dortmund (hereinafter referred to as SkF) by the Ministry of Homeland, Communal, Construction and Equal Opportunity (hereinafter referred to as MHKBG) The state of North Rhine-Westphalia asked to observe the changes of the scene for one year. On the basis of these observations, the present report was prepared, which provides insights into the changes in the prostitution scene in the reporting year 2018. As a method to systematically record the corresponding impressions from the everyday world of sex workers, participatory observations and observational ones were made Participation based on a life-world-analytical ethnography applied (cf. Honer 1993). The corresponding data were subsequently analyzed using the content analysis after P. Mayring (see Mayring 2007) analyzed and prepared. The procedure used is outlined in Chapter 2. This is followed in Chapter 3 by the description of the target group of the sex workers' scene. Specifically, various forms of employment are presented here and an insight into the lifeworld of sex workers as well as the basic structures of the sex workers Scene given. The following is a detailed presentation of the findings, with both the qualitative and the also the quantitative results are listed. It could be shown that the introduction of the ProstSchG shows both positive and negative changes in the scene. This report concludes with a summary assessment of the results as well as a look into the future.

Details: Dusseldorf, Germany: Ministerium fur Heimat, Kommunales, Bau and Gleichstellung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, 2019. 64p.

Source: Internet Resource (in German): Accessed August 12, 2019 at: https://www.landtag.nrw.de/Dokumentenservice/portal/WWW/dokumentenarchiv/Dokument/MMV17-2008.pdf

Year: 2019

Country: Germany

URL: https://www.landtag.nrw.de/portal/WWW/Webmaster/GB_I/I.1/aktuelle_drucksachen/aktuelle_Dokumente.jsp?m=301&wp=17&docTyp=V&datumsart=he&von=12.08.2019&bis=&searchDru=suchen

Shelf Number: 156964

Sex Work
Sex Worker
Sexual Services