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Results for sextortion

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Author: Wittes, Benjamin

Title: Sextortion: Cybersecurity, teenagers, and remote sexual assault

Summary: This paper represents an effort to our knowledge the first to study in depth and across jurisdictions the problems of sextortion. In it, we look at the methods used by perpetrators and the prosecutorial tools authorities have used to bring offenders to justice. We hope that by highlighting the scale and scope of the problem, and the brutality of these cases for the many victims they affect, to spur a close look at both state and federal laws under which these cases get prosecuted. Our key findings include: - Sextortion is dramatically understudied. While it's an acknowledged problem both within law enforcement and among private advocates, no government agency publishes data on its prevalence; no private advocacy group does either. The subject lacks an academic literature. Aside from a few prosecutors and investigators who have devoted significant energy to the problem over time, and a few journalists who have written-often excellently- about individual cases, the problem has been largely ignored. - Yet sextortion is surprisingly common. We identified 78 cases that met our definition of the crime-and a larger number that contained significant elements of the crime but that, for one reason or another, did not fully satisfy our criteria. These cases were prosecuted in 29 states and territories of the United States and three foreign jurisdictions. - Sextortionists, like other perpetrators of sex crimes, tend to be prolific repeat players. Among the cases we studied, authorities identified at least 10 victims in 25 cases. In 13 cases, moreover, there were at least 20 identified victims. And in four cases, investigators identified more than 100 victims. The numbers get far worse if you consider prosecutorial estimates of the number of additional victims in each case, rather than the number of specifically identified victims. In 13 cases, prosecutors estimated that there were more than 100 victims; in two, prosecutors estimated that there had been "hundreds, if not thousands" of victims. - Sextortion perpetrators are, in the cases we have seen, uniformly male. Victims, by contrast, vary. Virtually all of the adult victims in these cases are female, and adult sextortion therefore appears to be a species of violence against women. On the other hand, most sextortion victims in this sample are children, and a sizable percentage of the child victims turn out to be boys. - There is no consistency in the prosecution of sextortion cases. Because no crime of sextortion exists, the cases proceed under a hodgepodge of state and federal laws. Some are prosecuted as child pornography cases. Some are prosecuted as hacking cases. Some are prosecuted as extortions. Some are prosecuted as stalkings. Conduct that seems remarkably similar to an outside observer produces actions under the most dimly-related of statutes. - These cases thus also produce wild, and in in our judgment indefensible, disparities in sentencing. Many sextortionists, particularly those who prey on minors, receive lengthy sen - tences under child pornography laws. On the other hand, others-like Mijangos-receive sentences dramatically lighter than they would get for multiple physical attacks on even a fraction of the number of people they are accused of victimizing. In our sample, one perpetrator received only three years in prison for victimizing up to 22 young boys. 36 Another received only 30 months for a case in which federal prosecutors identified 15 separate victims. 37 - Sentencing is particularly light in one of two key circumstances: (1) when all victims are adults and federal pros - ecutors thus do not have recourse to the child pornography statutes, or (2) in cases prosecuted at the state level. - Sextortion is brutal. This is not a matter of playful consensual sexting-a subject that has received ample attention from a shocked press. Sextortion, rather, is a form of sexual exploitation, coercion, and violence, often but not always of children. In many cases, the perpetrators seem to take pleasure in their victims' pleading and protes - tations that they are scared and underage. In multiple cases we have reviewed, victims contemplate, threaten, or even attempt suicide-sometimes to the apparent pleasure of their tormentors. 38 At least two cases involve either a father or stepfather tormenting children living in his house. 39 Some of the victims are very young. And the impacts on victims can be severe and likely lasting. Many cases result, after all, in images permanently on the Internet on multiple child pornography sites following extended periods of coercion. - Certain jurisdictions have seen a disproportionate number of sextortion cases. This almost certainly reflects devoted investigators and prosecutors in those locales, and not a higher incidence of the offense. Rather, our data suggest that sextortion is taking place anywhere social media penetration is ubiquitous. The paper proceeds in several distinct parts. We begin with a literature review of the limited existing scholarship and data on sextortion. We then outline our methodology for collecting and analyzing data for the present study. We then offer a working definition of sextortion. In the subsequent section, we provide a sketch of the aggregate sta - tistics revealed by our data concerning the scope of the sextortion problem, and we examine the statutes used and sentences delivered in federal and state sextortion cases. We then turn to detailing several specific case studies in sextortion. In our last empirical section, we look briefly at the victim impact of these crimes. Finally, we offer several recommendations for policymakers, law enforcement, parents, teachers, and victims.

Details: Washington, DC: Center for Technology Innovation, Brookings Institution, 2016. 47p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 3, 2016 at: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/sextortion1-1.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/sextortion1-1.pdf

Shelf Number: 140158

Child Pornography
Computer Crime
Online Victimization
Sex Crimes

Author: Wittes, Benjamin

Title: Closing the sextortion sentencing gap: A legislative proposal

Summary: On the surface, at least, the sextortion case of Joseph Simone seems far more egregious than does that of Joshua Blankenship. Simone was a wrestling coach at a prestigious preparatory high school in Providence, Rhode Island. He was charged with sextorting "numerous" minor males; prosecutors estimated that he had exploited at least 22 young boys through a social media manipulation scheme, pretending to be a young girl when soliciting initial nude images, and then threatening to release those initial images on Facebook if the boys did not perform more sex acts. Blankenship also ran a social media manipulation scheme - but in this instance, against a single minor female in Maryland, convincing her that she had broken the law herself by sending out a nude photo, and demanding more images in exchange for not telling the police. But Blankenship was sentenced in federal court, whereas Simone faced trial in state court in Rhode Island, specifically in the Providence Superior Court. The result? The man with at least 22 victims was sentenced to one year in prison and two more in home confinement. By contrast, Blankenship, who had only one victim, received 12 years in prison after pleading guilty to federal child exploitation charges. What sort of sentence does conduct like Simone's get a man in federal court? Another sextortionist, William T. Koch, was convicted in a federal court in Ohio on charges that he too extorted 20 minor males, with one victim as young as 11-years-old. Koch was sentenced to 20 years in prison on federal charges of extortion, exploitation of a minor, and receipt and distribution of child pornography. Sextortionists don’t get to decide which jurisdiction prosecutes them. They do, however, get to choose their victims. And it matters a great deal which ones they choose. Mark Reynolds was sentenced to 14 years in prison on one federal charge of possession of child pornography for sextorting one minor female using a social media manipulation scheme. Contrast that with Adam Paul Savader, who sextorted between 15 and 45 adult women and received a paltry sentence of two-and-a-half years in federal prison. Savader was convicted on charges of interstate extortion and stalking. Reynolds received eleven-and-a-half years more in prison than did Savader, even though Savader potentially had up to 44 more victims. Federal law seems to care a great deal more about children than it does about adult women.

Details: Washington, DC: Center for Technology Innovation, Brookings Institution, 2016. 18p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 17, 2016 at: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/sextortion2.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/sextortion2.pdf

Shelf Number: 147931

Child Pornography
Computer Crime
Online Victimization
Sex Crimes
Sexual Violence

Author: International Centre for Missing & Exploited Chidlren

Title: Studies in Child Protection: Sexual Extortion and Nonconsensual Pornography

Summary: The rapid evolution of technology and the increasingly widespread use of the Internet, have changed the face of child sexual exploitation globally. Child sexual exploitation includes, but is not limited to: enticing, manipulating, or threatening a child into performing sexual acts in front of a webcam; grooming children online with the goal of sexually exploiting them; and distributing child sexual abuse material online.2 Sex offenders have become proficient in using technology to engage in child sexual abuse by utilizing the Internet as a vehicle to meet children in order to prepare them for sexual encounters, or even to target, manipulate, and lure them into sex trafficking. While the vulnerability of children to sexual predators is not new, the tools predators use and the language to describe various types of online child sexual abuse have changed remarkably. Two forms of online child sexual exploitation have emerged as pervasive threats to children's safety around the world: sexual extortion, commonly referred to as "sextortion," and nonconsensual pornography or nonconsensual sharing of intimate images, also often referred to as "revenge pornography."

Details: Alexandria, VA: The Centre, 2018.46p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 15, 2018 at: https://riselearningnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Sexual-Extortion_Nonconsensual-Pornography_final_10-26-18.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: International

URL: https://riselearningnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Sexual-Extortion_Nonconsensual-Pornography_final_10-26-18.pdf

Shelf Number: 153477

Child Grooming
Child Pornography
Child Protection
Child Sexual Exploitation
Online Child Sexual Abuse
Revenge Pornography
Social Media

Author: Maxim, Donald

Title: Online Child Exploitation Material - Trends and Emerging Issues: Research Report of the Australian National University Cybercrime Observatory with the input of the Office of the Children's eSafety Commissioner

Summary: This report by the ANU Cybercrime Observatory provides an overview of three important areas for Child Exploitation Material (CEM): - The relationship between online and offline offending; - Horizon scanning - identifying emerging areas of CEM development; and - Current regulatory, educational and collaborative approaches to combatting CEM Each section provides an overview of the issue and further analysis of other key areas identified during the research phase. At the conclusion of each section, a brief annotated bibliography is available to provide insight into which sources may be useful for further investigation. Information for this report was derived from many and varied sources including but not limited to government agencies (national and international), non-governmental organisations, academic articles, law enforcement agencies, blogs, tech websites, product sites, online news articles and surveys. While investigating each area, the research team worked within the scope of online CEM and aimed to provide a substantial overview for each section by addressing some of the key points or emerging trends. However during the research phase several areas that were not initially considered for the report were later identified as key areas of development for online CEM (e.g. Virtual Reality and Applications). Accordingly these topics were also included in the report. The relationship between online and offline sexual offending is highly controversial and complex. It is clear that research is lacking in this area and current research presents insufficient evidence for establishing a causal relationship between online and offline offending. Apart from addressing some of the methodological limitations of research in this area, this section of the report also addresses how the internet or technological advances (e.g. Virtual Reality) may assist in the desistance of offending or exacerbate motivations to commit real life offenses. The second section presents several emerging issues in online CEM and aims to provide a brief but comprehensive insight into how these areas are developing. The various topics include live streaming, applications, online gaming, user-generated content, Darknet, hacking, phishing, emerging technology and Virtual Reality (VR). Some of these concepts are quite traditional (e.g. user-generated content) however it is the development of 'cyber' and 'technology', which frames them as emerging issues. Other topics (e.g. live streaming or VR) present new, unique challenges to combatting online CEM. Some topics include snapshots of current cases such as the Pokemon Go trend, the Australian schools online pornography website, and interactive VR brothels and their implications for CEM. The final section discusses trends and effectiveness of current regulatory, educational, and collaborative approaches to CEM. Regulatory methods include ISP and social media regulation, parental control tools, and the potential for app regulation is also briefly mentioned. Key educational approaches include online safety guides and training courses. Collaborative prevention measures include hotlines, the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), Child Rescue Coalition, and the Virtual Global Taskforce (VGT). While these CEM prevention methods have made notable differences in detection and removal of CEM the effectiveness of education of the public, generation of reports, self-reporting, and tracking of child predators remains empirically untested. Technology is continually evolving and it is difficult to predict or evaluate emerging issues. The research team found it challenging to identify substantial information that can be verified by current research. This was particularly the case when analysing cutting edge or new technology as well as evaluating the effectiveness of current prevention approaches. This report aims to provide a reference point for further analysis and research on the topics addressed. Challenges associated with the cyber sphere and the 'Internet of Everything' do not remain static. The degree of facilitation (e.g. Virtual Private Networks, digital currency) and convergence associated with online CEM are continuously evolving in step with changes in technology. The rapid rate of change is the key challenge for the development of effective prevention strategies. This was demonstrated while our research was underway. Innovation, usually an adaptation of existing software or technology that was not initially present was later identified as a key developing area in online CEM (e.g. Virtual Reality and software applications). The Pokemon Go craze, which quickly attracted malware and grooming is a good example of the misuse of a popular apps. The velocity and variety of new and emerging risks with potential impact on online CEM will require, as a priority, the means to monitor these developments. The increase and rapid distribution of user-generated content is especially concerning. One aspect, consensually shared or 'stolen' sexualized images has given rise to 'sextortion', which can be propagated with the development of 'apps' that can inadvertently enhance and facilitate online CEM. Equally concerning are the implications of Virtual Reality (VR). VR in combination with teledildonics (or 'cyberdildonics' products designed to realise remote sex) enables potential offenders to live out any of their sexual fantasies. The VR trend may motivate offenders to seek on-line or off-line victims. The effects of VR on the conduct of pedophiles remain unclear. We don't know whether VR will placate desires or erode social inhibitions. However, VR is likely to encourage some criminals to enhance their experience by incorporating live streaming of child sex abuse with the tactile experiences promised by such technologies. The prevention of online CEM depends entirely on knowing present and emerging risks. Effective counter-measures include deep web surveillance of CEM innovators, and the development of early warning systems, for example, SNS 'swarm' warning flags.

Details: Canberra: Australian National University, Cybercrime Observatory, 2016. 105p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 14, 2019 at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2861644

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2861644

Shelf Number: 154957

Child Grooming
Child Pornography
Child Sexual Abuse
Child Sexual Exploitation
Internet Crimes
Online Victimization
Sex Offending

Author: International Centre for Missing & Exploited Chidlren

Title: Studies in Child Protection: Technology-Facilitated Child Sex Trafficking

Summary: Trafficking of children for sexual purposes, or child sex trafficking2, is defined internationally as: the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs. The Internet and related technologies are increasingly becoming the predominant mechanism by which children are lured, entrapped, and forced into modern-day enslavement for sexual purposes. While child sex trafficking is not a new crime, the use of technology to facilitate this crime is. As the Internet is highly unregulated and provides anonymity, accessibility, and global reach, the use of technology by traffickers will likely become even more prevalent. In general, traffickers are criminals "who enable or partake in the trade and exploitation of human beings." Online traffickers use information and communications technologies (ICTs) to seek out vulnerable children, recruit victims, and advertise/sell victims to offenders through social media, messaging applications, online ads, and peer-to-peer file sharing servers with the intent to exploit the victims for profit. Using the Internet and related technologies, traffickers may lure victims by posting false job advertisements, promising fame or money, expressing love or praise, or threatening harm or death to the victim and/or their family. Traffickers may use social media platforms to gain trust and build relationships by showing admiration or desire for the child, acting as a friend, and eventually employing tactics such as manipulation, coercion, and control to lure them away from their homes and loved ones. Child sex traffickers may be strangers, but they can also be family members, friends, guardians, or acquaintances.10 Nearly half of all identified cases of child trafficking begin with some family member involvement and the extent of family involvement in the trafficking of children is up to four times higher than in cases of adult trafficking. The high demand for children for sexual purposes has generated such high profits that many organized crime groups are turning away from other illicit activities to devote their resources to the trafficking of minors. Human trafficking appeals to criminal organizations as "it is becoming increasingly easy and inexpensive to procure, move and exploit vulnerable girls." Additionally, the relatively low risk of detection and prosecution of technology-facilitated child sex trafficking compared to the risk associated with traditional, "in-person" forms of trafficking makes online sex trafficking an attractive illegal activity in which to engage. One child can generate a profit of several thousand dollars a day for traffickers and can be abused and sold repeatedly, unlike other forms of illicit trade like drug trafficking. The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that "globally, two-thirds of the profits from forced labour are generated by forced sexual exploitation, amounting to an estimated US$99 billion per year." Approximately 5.5 million children under the age of 18 are forced into labor, and it is estimated that more than one million are victims of forced sexual exploitation. With the growth of Internet usage, a child's risk of being targeted increases; “technology has lowered the bar of entry to the criminal world, which has had an expansive effect on the growth of modern slavery. Our challenge is that technology is taking slavery into a darker corner of the world where law enforcement techniques and capabilities are not as strong as they are offline." Strategies to address technology-facilitated child sex trafficking must address the misuse of ICTs to facilitate it and harness the potential of ICTs to combat it The world has seen an increase in international, regional, and national laws addressing cybercrime and human trafficking; however, international law is silent on several key issues - namely, the use of ICTs to: 1) recruit child sex trafficking victims; 2) advertise the sexual services of these victims; and 3) provide or receive payments or benefits from the sexual exploitation of children. To address these legal gaps, ideally international legislation should be enacted to include: - A uniform definition of technology-facilitated child sex trafficking; - Statutes punishing the use of ICTs to recruit child victims, advertise their sexual services, and send and receive payments for sexual exploitation of children; and - Requisite punishment. The Internet has global reach, which fuels the need for international legal cooperation to develop more stringent, overt laws to protect children from technology-facilitated child sex trafficking. While vast research exists regarding child sex trafficking broadly, this paper specifically focuses on: how and why technology is increasingly used to recruit, advertise, and send/receive payments for child sex trafficking; examining available international and regional legal instruments; reviewing a sampling of relevant national legislation; presenting model legislative language for consideration; and discussing the role of the technology and financial industries to deter traffickers from misusing their platforms to sexually exploit children. The report is further intended to support and promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 16.220 on ending the abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and all forms of violence against and torture of children, and contribute to reaching the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by demonstrating our organizational commitment, helping raise awareness of the issues, and promoting the rule of law at the national and international levels. Additionally, the report contributes to the Implementation and Enforcement of Laws strategy, the first of the seven INSPIRE strategies developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), in particular core indicators 3.1 through 3.6 (i.e., laws and policies, awareness of laws, review of legal and policy framework)22; and helps to implement the WePROTECT Global Alliance to End Child Sexual Exploitation Online Model National Response (MNR) - specifically capabilities 2 (Research, Analysis and Monitoring) and 3 (Legislation) under Policy and Governance23.

Details: Alexandria, VA: The Centre, 2018. 50p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 10, 2019 at: https://www.icmec.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Technology-Facilitated-Child-Sex-Trafficking_final_11-30-18.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: International

URL: https://www.icmec.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Technology-Facilitated-Child-Sex-Trafficking_final_11-30-18.pdf

Shelf Number: 155745

Child Grooming
Child Pornography
Child Prostitution
Child Protection
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking
Forced Labor
Modern Slavery
Online Child Sexual Abuse
Revenge Pornography
Social Media