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Results for sexual assault (europe)

1 results found

Author: Parren, Franny

Title: Combatting Youth Sexual Aggression and Victimization in the European Union: Stakeholder Perspectives and Recommendations

Summary: Youth sexual aggression and victimization (Y-SAV) is a problem all over Europe. In most countries where data on sexual violence is disaggregated by age, prevalence figures for sexual aggression and victimization in the age group 12-25 years old are higher compared to average fi gures for the overall population. Understanding and preventing youth sexual aggression and victimization is important not only to tackle the existing high prevalence, but also to invest in sexual health and equal relationships for future generations. Sexual aggression is characterised by many grey areas and there are a range of sexual pressures and unwanted sex that do not necessarily fit within the legal frame of sexual violence, but nonetheless require societal action. Particularly in the current context of over-exposure to media images and virtualised socio-sexual interaction, young people need adequate support to develop positive attitudes towards sexuality and gender roles, and to strengthen their sexual interaction competence. This report forms part of the European Y-SAV project (implemented in the period July 2010 - December 2013). Consultations have been conducted in nine EU member states (Ireland, Spain, Lithuania, Greece, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands) and a total of 73 organisations and 20 individual experts participated. The participants identified the main shortfalls and opportunities to address youth sexual aggression and victimization within a variety of areas and provided recommendations to improve responses towards youth sexual aggression and victimization at the EU level and at the level of individual member states.

Details: Utrecht, The Netherlands: Rutgers WPF, 2013. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 23, 2013 at: http://ysav.rutgerswpf.org/sites/default/files/ESAP_2013_Online2.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Europe

URL: http://ysav.rutgerswpf.org/sites/default/files/ESAP_2013_Online2.pdf

Shelf Number: 131662

Juvenile Offenders
Juvenile Sex Offenders
Sex Offenses
Sexual Assault (Europe)
Sexual Violence