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Results for sexual exploitation (nepal)

1 results found

Author: Bashford, Peter

Title: A Sense of Direction: The Trafficking of Women and Children from Nepal

Summary: With a growing awareness that beliefs, attitudes and the popular stance on trafficking of women and children from Nepal were second-hand, outdated and partisan, played down by government and overblown by others, the trustees of Asha-Nepal decided they needed a first-hand, current and thoroughly researched report. This report is based on meetings with Nepali non-governmental organisations (NGOs), international NGOs (INGOs), government departments, victims of trafficking and other stakeholders, plus field studies, all carried out in Nepal and India during Oct-Dec 2005. In addition, material has been gathered from reports by stakeholders published during 2005, further communications with NGOs and INGOs involved in counter-trafficking in SE Asia postfield visit, and other relevant reports. We originally planned to issue this report in March 2006 due to the volatile political situation at that time, we held the report back. Now that democracy has been restored, we are optimistic that the findings and recommendations herein may reach a more receptive audience and help inform policy changes within government as well as the wider NGO and NGO community. The brief was not to go over old ground but to look at the current situation and key causes for the continuation of trafficking of women and children from Nepal. Prior to the field trip the following areas were identified as key to the research project: - The reasons behind trafficking and key target groups - The cause of re-trafficking and what happens to rescued and returned women and children - The problems of transition from institutionalisation into meaningful employment and a place in the wider community - Human rights abuse (state, community, institutional, international) - Awareness campaigning and furthering international awareness Within the first two weeks of work in the field it was recognised that the scope was too restrictive and that major concerns in additional areas needed to be included to create relevant recommendations. These were: - Correct application of law - Networking and cooperation between NGOs and the responsibilities of INGOs and international donor organisations The proposed outline of the report comprised: - An outline of each of the main problem areas listed above - Statistical evidence gained from all parties interviewed and/or submitted from relevant parties (statistics to be included only if produced within the previous twelve month period) - Case studies covering the five key areas, along with testimonials from trafficked women and children covering trafficking, induction, conditions of brothels, rescue, repatriation and life and problems after rescue/return - A bibliography of published works and unpublished works relevant to the current situation and past works recognised as of importance to the background of trafficking in the region - Key organisations and how to contact them After completion of the field trip, we included the following additional material: - Details on the Nutt/Badi situation - The need for improved networking - HIV/Aids

Details: Olney, UK: Asha-Nepal, 2006.

Source: Accessed April 13, 2018 at: https://childhub.org/en/system/tdf/library/attachments/ashan250806.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=17605

Year: 2006

Country: Nepal

URL: https://childhub.org/en/system/tdf/library/attachments/ashan250806.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=17605

Shelf Number: 117326

Child Trafficking (Nepal)
Human Trafficking (Nepal)
Sexual Exploitation (Nepal)