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Date: June 30, 2024 Sun

Time: 12:34 pm

Results for sexual relationships

1 results found

Author: Creedon, Mick

Title: Operation Trinity: Report 2: Allegations of Peter Francis

Summary: Executive Summary Allegation - Sexual relationships between SDS Undercover Officers and activists On 14 March 2010, The Observer newspaper published a series of articles regarding the role of 'Officer A' within the SDS. It claimed that he had slept with two (2) members of his target group. It was alleged that whilst this was not sanctioned, such activity among SDS officers - both male and female - was tacitly accepted and in many cases was vital in maintaining an undercover role. On 22 January 2011, The Guardian newspaper published an article that undercover police officers routinely adopted a tactic of promiscuity with the 'blessing' of senior commanders. The same article alleged that sex was used as a tool to help officers blend in, and was widely used as a technique to glean intelligence. The source stated that they knew of an undercover officer who married an activist he was supposed to be spying upon. On 24 June 2013, Channel 4 broadcast the programme 'Dispatches - The Police's Dirty Secret'. In it a Mr Peter Francis said: 'that it was part of his persona, that he was the sort of person who had 'casual sex'. He stated that he did not see any circumstance that long term relationships, especially the fathering of children can be condoned or allowed. He stated that he believed that 'the use of casual sex by undercover police maybe warranted in very exceptional circumstances.' There are currently a number of civil actions lodged against the MPS by females alleging intimate relationships with undercover officers. Three (3) children are alleged to have been born as a result of these relationships. Operation Herne has contacted the solicitors concerned in order to speak to the claimants. Only one (1) evidential account has been provided. At this time the other remaining claimants have not engaged with Operation Herne. No contact or complaint has been received from any individual claiming to have had a sexual relationship with Peter Francis. Independent legal advice has been sought in respect of what offences, if any, have been committed in these circumstances. No offences contrary to the Sexual Offences Act are deemed to be complete although the behaviour could amount to Misconduct in a Public Office. There is no evidence at this time to suggest sexual relationships between undercover officers and activists were ever officially sanctioned by the SDS management. This remains an ongoing criminal investigation and an advice file has been submitted to the CPS. A case disposal decision is yet to be made. This will be the subject of further detailed public reporting once the various judicial proceedings have been completed.

Details: Ashbourne, UK: Derbyshire Constabulary, 2014. 84p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 16, 2019 at: https://www.met.police.uk/SysSiteAssets/foi-media/metropolitan-police/priorities_and_how_we_are_doing/corporate/operation-herne---report-2-allegations-of-peter-francis-operation-trinity

Year: 2014

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.statewatch.org/news/2014/mar/uk-operation-herne-report-2-Allegations-of-Peter-Francis.pdf

Shelf Number: 154218

Citizen Complaints
Operation Herne
Operation Trinity
Police Misconduct
Sexual Relationships
Undercover Investigations
Undercover Policing