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Results for sexual violence (colombia)

3 results found

Author: Roth, Francoise

Title: Using Quantitative Data to Assess Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Colombia: Challenges and Opportunities

Summary: Via Resolutions 1325 (2000), 1820 (2008) and 1889 (2009), the United Nations Security Council has strongly promoted the collection of data about wartime sexual violence and other issues related to gender equality in situations of armed conflict. The resolutions do not fully appreciate the size of the task laid out. Sexual violence, in wartime or in peacetime, is among the most notoriously difficult forms of violence to measure. A data mandate that does not point the way toward data quality leaves policy-makers in the dark as they seek to prevent or mitigate sexual violence, to punish perpetrators, or to make reparations to victims. Worse, poor-quality data on sexual violence may give a false impression of specificity and reliability, leading to incorrect policy assessments, misallocation of resources, and other outcomes that are assuredly not in line with the United Nations’ goals on this issue. This report addresses the challenges of sexual violence measurement in a specific context: Colombia’s ongoing internal armed conflict. After discussing in depth the difficulties faced by researchers attempting to measure sexual violence around the world, the report addresses several Colombian data collection efforts more specifically. Both governmental and non-governmental data sources are considered; more importantly, the authors outline several key cultural and political issues affecting sexual violence data collection in Colombia. In particular, the research team found, sexual violence reporting procedures in Colombia are fragmented and incomplete. Sexual violence is frequently viewed as a domestic violence or criminal justice issue; it is seldom considered as a phenomenon in its own right, or as an outcome associated with armed conflict.

Details: Colombia: Corporación Punto de Vista; Palo Alto, CA: Benetech Technology Serving Humanity, 2011. 103p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 5, 2011 at: http://www.hrdag.org/resources/publications/SV%20report%20april%2026,%202011.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Colombia

URL: http://www.hrdag.org/resources/publications/SV%20report%20april%2026,%202011.pdf

Shelf Number: 121657

Armed Conflict
Sex Offenses
Sexual Violence (Colombia)

Author: Roth, Francoise

Title: Using Quantitative Data to Assess Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Colombia: Challenges and Opportunities

Summary: This report addresses the challenges of sexual violence measurement in a specific context: Colombia's ongoing internal armed conflict. After discussing in depth the difficulties faced by researchers attempting to measure sexual violence around the world, the report addresses several Colombian data collection efforts more specifically. Both governmental and non-governmental data sources are considered; more importantly, the authors outline several key cultural and political issues affecting sexual violence data collection in Colombia. In particular, the research team found, sexual violence reporting procedures in Colombia are fragmented and incomplete. Sexual violence is frequently viewed as a domestic violence or criminal justice issues; it is seldom considered as a phenomenon in its own right, or as an outcome associated with armed conflict.

Details: Corporación Punto de Vista; Palo Alto, CA: Benetech, 2011. 103p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 4, 2012 at: http://www.humansecuritygateway.com/documents/CPV_UsingQuantitativeDatatoAssessConflictRelatedSexualViolenceinColombia.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Colombia

URL: http://www.humansecuritygateway.com/documents/CPV_UsingQuantitativeDatatoAssessConflictRelatedSexualViolenceinColombia.pdf

Shelf Number: 124813

Armed Conflict
Human Rights
Sexual Assault
Sexual Violence (Colombia)

Author: Amnesty International

Title: Colombia: Hidden from Justice. Impunity for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, A Follow-Up Report

Summary: Conflict-related sexual violence against women and girls in Colombia has long been a largely hidden human rights tragedy. Members of all parties to the conflict – paramilitaries, the security forces and guerrilla groups – have been responsible for these crimes, and almost all have evaded justice. This was the picture painted in Amnesty International’s September 2011 report, “This is what we demand. Justice!”: Impunity for sexual violence against women in Colombia’s armed conflict. Following publication of that report, the authorities in Colombia made a number of commitments to comply with their national and international legal obligations to end all forms of sexual violence, including those committed in the context of the conflict, and to bring those responsible for such crimes to justice. This report details what progress has been made over the past year and what still remains to be done. It ends by calling on the government to intensify its efforts to ensure the rights of women and girls in Colombia to freedom from violence and to justice. amnesty.org

Details: London: Amnesty International, 2012. 38p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 5, 2012 at: https://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR23/031/2012/en/8779cba6-f18f-4f06-9007-4cb337fcd1bd/amr230312012en.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Colombia

URL: https://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR23/031/2012/en/8779cba6-f18f-4f06-9007-4cb337fcd1bd/amr230312012en.pdf

Shelf Number: 126565

Armed Conflict
Human Rights
Sexual Violence (Colombia)
Violence Against Women