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Results for sexual violence (democratic republic of congo)

2 results found

Author: Smits, Rosan

Title: Increasing Security in DR Congo: Gender-Responsive Strategies for Combating Sexual Violence

Summary: Current efforts of the international community to combat rape in the Democratic Republic of Congo are often not responsive to the manner in which masculinity and femininity are performed in relation to sexual violence in the aftermath of armed conflict. This may put a strain on their effectiveness. Focusing on the phenomenon of sexual violence among civilians in a post-conflict environment this policy brief offers an analysis of how an intensified focus on the gender-dimensions of violence will improve programmatic effectiveness in the fight against sexual violence.

Details: The Hague: Clingendael Conflict Research Unit, 2011. 9p.

Source: Internet Resource: CRU Policy Brief #17: Accessed November 7, 2011 at: http://www.cd.undp.org/mediafile/20110531_cru_Policybrief_rsmits.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Congo, Democratic Republic

URL: http://www.cd.undp.org/mediafile/20110531_cru_Policybrief_rsmits.pdf

Shelf Number: 123249

Sexual Violence (Democratic Republic of Congo)

Author: Baaz, Maria Eriksson

Title: The Complexity of Violence: A Critical Analysis of Sexual Violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

Summary: Reporting on armed conflicts invariably relies on one or more basic storylines that impart sense to the unfolding events and the roles of actors. Such a narrative usually casts some in the role of victims and others as perpetrators. The most prevalent storyline of violence in the reporting on the warscape of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been rape. Indeed, the DRC has become infamous globally through the reports on the massive scale of sexual violence. In response to the ways in which sexual violence in the DRC has been described and conceptualised, this report sets out to identify and critically reflect upon various factors that may contribute to this violence. The report will not embark on a description of the character of the violence by citing survivor testimonies, since this has already been done in numerous other reports. Neither will it embark on the impossible task of trying to assess the real numbers of violations committed. In sum, this report aims at contributing to a better understanding of the circumstances in which sexual violence is committed. In doing so, the report underscores the complexity of Gender-based Violence and the problems inherent in one-sided explanations and a singular focus on Sexual Gender-based Violence as separate from other forms of violence.

Details: Uppsala, Sweden: Nordic Africa Institute // Nordiska Afrikainstitutet // Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, 2010. 70p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 7, 2011 at: http://nai.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?searchId=1&pid=diva2:319527

Year: 2010

Country: Congo, Democratic Republic

URL: http://nai.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?searchId=1&pid=diva2:319527

Shelf Number: 123250

Sexual Violence (Democratic Republic of Congo)