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Date: June 30, 2024 Sun

Time: 12:34 pm

Results for smoking bans

1 results found

Author: Williams, Claire

Title: Extending NZ Prison Smoking Bans: Should We Quit While We're Ahead?

Summary: Smoking is directly correlated to adverse health effects including heart disease, cancer, chronic pulmonary diseases, nuclear cataract, hip fractures. According to the latest NZ health statistics, of the 8469 prison population, 67.1% smoke which equates to 5674 people. Each smoker in prison costs the NZ taxpayer $20,000 per annum in associated healthcare costs. A total smoking ban in NZ prisons could therefore potentially save the New Zealand economy over $113 million dollars annually. 1 in every 2 smokers will die a premature death because of tobacco addiction; therefore, 2837 lives would potentially be extended; these benefits would be increased if prison staff were included in the smoking ban. Furthermore, 3500 staff in NZ prisons are exposed to second hand smoke or ETS at levels 12 times the national average. A smoking ban which does not apply to prison staff would reduce the levels of ETS exposure; however a ban including staff would mean zero levels of ETS exposure preventing impending law suits. Deaths associated with second hand smoke are approximately 1% of the population; at 12 times higher exposure rates in prisons; a ban including prison staff could mean preventing a premature death of 420 people over the long term. Corrections insurance premiums could be lowered with the introductions of 100% smoking bans in prisons.

Details: Auckland, NZ: University of Auckland, 2010. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Report: Accessed February 11, 2017: http://policyprojects.ac.nz/clairewilliams/files/2010/10/Policy-Report2.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: New Zealand

URL: http://policyprojects.ac.nz/clairewilliams/files/2010/10/Policy-Report2.pdf

Shelf Number: 144836

Inmate Health
Prison Policy
Smoking Bans