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Results for soccer violence

2 results found

Author: Carnibella, Giovanni

Title: Football violence in Europe A report to the Amsterdam Group

Summary: The report contains an up-to-date review of research and theoretical approaches to football violence in Europe. The historical development of the problems in various countries is outlined. Specific attention is given to the role of the media, the emergence of overt racism at football matches and the alleged influence of alcohol consumption on violent behaviour. A principal aim of this report has been to present a clear, unbiased, but critical review of the literature on football violence in Europe. This we have attempted to do by standing back from the vested interests, academic or otherwise, of the individuals and research groups from whom the literature emanates and by judging the work in terms of available evidence and relevance to contemporary problems in Europe. This detachment has been difficult at times because one of the authors of this report established a fairly significant theoretical perspective on football hooliganism in the late 1970s. In keeping with the traditions of this field, he has also been soundly attacked by a number of other authors whose work is reviewed here. Nonetheless, this report is a collective effort and we would claim that a high degree of balance has been maintained. The input of a number of consultants and colleagues throughout Europe has added significantly to this objectivity.

Details: Oxford, UK: Social Issues Research Centre, 1996. 168p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 1, 2013 at: http://www.sirc.org/publik/football_violence.pdf

Year: 1996

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.sirc.org/publik/football_violence.pdf

Shelf Number: 128595

Football Hooliganism
Soccer Violence
Sport Violence (Europe)

Author: van Ham, Tom

Title: Vechten op afspraak: Inzicht in het fenomeen en input voor de ontwikkeling van een politiestrategie

Summary: In October 2016, the Nieuwsuur program will pay attention to battles that take place between hooligans. Shortly afterwards, two images appear online from supporters of Feyenoord who record it by appointment other supporters group. Once in a forest against a delegation of the French football club Nancy (November 2016) and once against supporters of AZ (January 2017). These and other images - for example from a confrontation between supporters of PSV and Vitesse (April 2017) - show that groups are clear can be distinguished from each other: one group is for example dressed in white and the other in black. There are people around the groups who do not fight. They do have a role in the whole: some are screaming and give directions, others have a camera or mobile phone in hand to record the violence. They are not attacked, which confirms the purposeful character of the confrontation. From the images it appears that groups can vary (unexpectedly) in size, causing one unequal struggle can arise. In addition, the violence applied in this usually short confrontations are heavy: several times - sometimes by several people at the same time - stepped through while someone is lying on the floor. Although these fight agreements often take place "under the radar", is online reporting clearly that these take place with some regularity.

Details: Politie & Wetenschap, Apeldoorn; Bureau Beke, Arnhem, 2017. 124p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 28, 2018 at: https://www.politieenwetenschap.nl/cache/files/5b34fd15521acPK91.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Netherlands

URL: https://www.politieenwetenschap.nl/cache/files/5b34fd15521acPK91.pdf

Shelf Number: 150728

Anti-Social Behavior
Soccer Violence
Sports Violence