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Date: October 20, 2024 Sun

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Results for socio-economic conditions (guatemala)

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Author: Taft-Morales, Maureen

Title: Guatemala: Political, Security, and Socio- Economic Conditions and U.S. Relations

Summary: Since the 1980s, Guatemala, the most populous country in Central America with a population just over 14 million, has continued its transition from a centuries-long tradition of mostly autocratic rule toward representative government. A democratic constitution was adopted in 1985, and a democratically elected government was inaugurated in 1986. A 36-year civil war that ravaged Guatemala ended in 1996. This report provides an overview of Guatemala’s current political and economic conditions, relations with the United States, and several issues likely to figure in future decisions by Congress and the Administration regarding Guatemala. With respect to continued cooperation and foreign assistance, these issues include security and governance; protection of human rights and human rights conditions on some U.S. military aid to Guatemala; support for the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala; combating narcotics trafficking and organized crime; trade relations; and intercountry adoption. In November 2011, Otto Pérez Molina won the second-round presidential election run-off with 53.8% of the vote. He took office, along with the 158-member Congress, in January 2012. A former military commander who served during the civil war period, Pérez Molina faces concerns from some regarding his role in the human rights abuses committed during that period. In a landmark case, a Guatemalan court found former dictator Efrain Rios Montt guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity on May 10, 2013. Appeals have been filed. Guatemala continues to be plagued by security issues related to narcotics trafficking and the rise of organized crime, social inequality, and poverty. Upon taking office Pérez Molina announced a controversial position to decriminalize drugs as one policy initiative to address Guatemala’s many problems. Pérez Molina's proposal has failed to garner the support of other Central American leaders, but he seems willing to continue pushing the debate forward. In his view, decriminalization has to be gradual and strongly regulated, and it has to take place in the whole region, including producer and consumer countries. In the meantime, Pérez Molina vows to continue prosecuting and jailing drug-traffickers.

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2013. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource: R42580: Accessed June 18, 2013 at: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R42580.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Guatemala

URL: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R42580.pdf

Shelf Number: 129017

Criminal Justice
Drug Trafficking
Human Rights
Organized Crime
Socio-economic Conditions (Guatemala)