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Results for special demonstration squad

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Author: Creedon, Mick

Title: Operation Herne: Special Demonstration Squad Reporting: Mentions of Sensitive Campaigns

Summary: Introduction Operation Herne is the title given to the independent investigation led by Derbyshire's Chief Constable Mick Creedon QPM into the Special Demonstration Squad (SDS). The SDS was a covert unit of the Metropolitan Police Special Branch (MPSB). Operation Herne's terms of reference are to review the former SDS from its origin in 1968 to its closure in 2008, examining how it operated throughout its existence. This report examines "collateral reporting" and "mentions" of Justice Campaigns recorded within SDS intelligence submissions. Following the Peter Francis allegations that the SDS targeted the family of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence, Operation Herne has investigated the extent of similar information held within SDS documentation. This report will refer to SDS reporting on a number of Justice Campaigns. A "Justice Campaign" would usually form as a result of family or public concerns surrounding the: - Investigation, detention or treatment of a subject who died in police custody, - Investigation, detention or treatment of a subject who died following police contact - Victim of a murder - High profile prosecution or investigation - Miscarriages of Justice The majority of these cases involved black males, hence the commonly used term "Black Justice Campaign." Operation Herne has identified emerging evidence that in addition to the Stephen Lawrence Campaign, a number of other Justice Campaigns have been mentioned within SDS records. Seventeen such Justice Campaigns have been identified so far. These range between 1970 and 2005 and are as a result of deaths in police custody, following police contact and the victims of murders. It is the intention of Chief Constable Creedon and Operation Herne to inform all of the families involved and share, where possible the knowledge and information held. This process will inevitably take time to research and complete given the historical profile of many of the events and the natural difficulties in tracing some families. The work to identify such families or campaigns continues and those identified will be personally appraised of the detail by investigators from Operation Herne.

Details: Ashbourne, UK: Derbyshire Constabulary, 2014. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 16, 2019 at: http://www.statewatch.org/news/2014/jul/uk-2014-07-op-herne-report-3-sds.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.statewatch.org/news/2014/jul/uk-2014-07-op-herne-report-3-sds.pdf

Shelf Number: 154219

Criminal Investigation
Deaths in Custody
Justice Campaign
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Operation Herne
Police Custody
Police Misconduct
Special Demonstration Squad

Author: Creedon, Mick

Title: Operation Herne: Report 1: Use of Covert Identities

Summary: Executive Summary History The Special Demonstration Squad (SDS) was an undercover unit formed by the Metropolitan Police's Special Branch. It operated between 1968 and 2008, during which time it infiltrated and reported on groups concerned in violent protest. Operation Herne -- Operation Herne (formerly Soisson) was formed in October 2011 in response to allegations made by the Guardian newspaper about alleged misconduct and criminality engaged in by members of the SDS. Similar matters had been previously aired as early as 2002 in a BBC documentary. Operation Riverwood -- On 4th February 2013 the Metropolitan Police received a public complaint from the family of Rod Richardson, a young boy who had died in the 1970s. It is alleged that an undercover officer working for the National Public Order Intelligence Unit (NPOIU) had used this child's details as his covert identity. This matter was referred to the IPCC. The matter was returned to the force and is currently subject of a 'local investigation'. National Public Order Intelligence Unit The NPOIU was formed within the MPS in 1999 to gather and coordinate intelligence. In 2006 the governance responsibility for NPOIU was moved to the Association of Chief Police Officers, after a decision was taken that the forces where the majority of activity was taking place should be responsible for authorising future deployments. In January 2011 the NPOIU was subsumed within other units under the National Domestic Extremism Units within the MPS. In January 1995 large numbers of police from London, Kent and Hampshire were drafted to the West Sussex harbour of Shoreham in response to protests surrounding the export of live animals to Europe. The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and another animal extremist group named 'Justice Department' had a strong base in the community there. This led to a number of protests and in October 1995 there was a further demonstration in Brightlingsea, Essex. This resulted in a record number of police being deployed to prevent widespread public disorder. Ad-hoc protest groups emerged and the need for first hand high quality intelligence was evident. This led to undercover operatives being required to infiltrate these animal extremist organisations. The purpose of the NPOIU was: 1 To provide the police service with the ability to develop a national threat assessment and profile for domestic extremism. 2 Support the police service to reduce crime and disorder from domestic extremism. 3 Support a proportionate police response to protest activity. 4 Help the police service manage concerns of communities and businesses to minimise conflict and disorder. Control of the NPOIU moved to ACPO in 2006 under the direction of the ACPO National Co-ordinator for Domestic Extremism, Assistant Chief Constable Anton Setchell. He was replaced by Detective Chief Superintendent Adrian Tudway in 2010. The NPOIU worked with the National Extremism Tactical Co-ordination Unit (NETCU) and the National Domestic Extremism Team (NDET). The NPOIU now exists as part of the National Domestic Extremism Unit (NDEU) under the Metropolitan Police Service Specialist Operations and is run by Detective Chief Superintendent Chris Greaney.

Details: Ashbourne, UK: Derbyshire Constabulary, 2013. 23p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 16, 2019 at: https://www.met.police.uk/SysSiteAssets/foi-media/metropolitan-police/priorities_and_how_we_are_doing/corporate/operation-herne---report-1---use-of-covert-identities

Year: 2013

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.statewatch.org/news/2013/jul/uk-creedon-report-on-use-of-dead-childrens-names-by-undercover-unit.pdf

Shelf Number: 154217

Citizen Complaints
Covert Identities
Covert Operations
National Public Order Intelligence Unit
Operation Herne
Operation Riverwood
Police Misconduct
Police Officers
Public Disorder
Special Demonstration Squad
Undercover Police