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Results for stephen lawrence

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Author: Great Britain. Home Office

Title: The Stephen Lawrence Independent Review: Possible Corruption and the Role of Undercover Policing in the Stephen Lawrence Case

Summary: The questions posed by our terms of reference must be considered in the context of the following key findings of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry: a) The initial investigation of the murder of Stephen Lawrence was seriously flawed and deserving of severe criticism. The underlying causes of the failure were more troublesome and potentially more sinister. The impact of incompetence, racism and corruption on the investigation had been the subject of much evidence and debate. b) The Inquiry was faced with a complex task in order to determine whether corruption and collusion, racism or institutional lethargy had (alone or in combination) been causative of the seriously flawed initial investigation of the murder. Each contended force could have resulted in or contributed to the same failings. To assess the extent of the impact of any one of the forces on the investigation, it was necessary to consider that force in isolation. c) Applying the civil standard of proof to its findings, namely on the balance of probability, the Inquiry concluded that institutional racism affected the murder investigation, the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) and police services elsewhere, as well as other institutions and organisations. d) As regards the serious allegation of corruption or collusion, the Inquiry decided that it would be wholly unfair to reach any adverse conclusion without being sure of it, applying the criminal standard of proof. Applying that standard, the Inquiry found that the evidence fell short of making it sure that corruption or collusion had infected the initial murder investigation. e) The flawed MPS Barker Review of the murder investigation in late 1993 had failed to expose the faults in the murder investigation as it should have. Equally, in the face of the Lawrence family's justified criticism, for years afterwards the MPS had wrongly insisted that the investigation had been professionally and competently carried out. This had piled more grief upon that caused by the murder itself and had misled both the family and the public.

Details: London: Home Office, 2014. 2 vol., summary

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 12, 2016 at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/stephen-lawrence-independent-review

Year: 2014

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/stephen-lawrence-independent-review

Shelf Number: 140536

Criminal Investigation
Police Accountability
Police Corruption
Police Integrity
Police Misconduct
Stephen Lawrence