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Results for stockholm life course project

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Author: Carlsson, Christoffer

Title: Continuities and Changes in Criminal Careers

Summary: We know that the best predictor of future criminal behavior is past criminal behavior (Robins, 1966). There is thus a striking degree of continuity in this form of behavior over time. At the same time, we know that the vast majority of people who engage in crime are teenagers and that they stop offending with age (Hirschi and Gottfredson, 1983). The findings seem to contradict each other; how can the life course with regards to crime be characterized by both continuity and change? Explaining these empirical findings has been the main task of life-course criminology, and contributing to an understanding of how and why offenders continue their criminal careers once they have started, and how and why they stop, is also the purpose of this dissertation. In this first chapter I present the features of the research field commonly referred to as life-course criminology. Having done that, I move on to review existing explanations of continuity and change in criminal careers. In the third and fourth chapter, I outline and discuss more specific issues within the field: risk and risk factors, desistance, turning points, intermittency, and masculinity. Those are the issues my papers deal with. In Chapter 5, I present the study - The Stockholm Life Course Project - which forms the empirical backbone of my papers, and provide a fairly thorough description and methodological discussion, highlighting several features of the project. Since methodological considerations seldom get the attention they deserve when you write in journal format, I attempt a small remedy of that here. Having done so, I briefly summarize the papers in Chapter 6 before I turn to implications in the final chapter, along with prospects for future research.

Details: Stockholm: Stockholm University, 2014. 127p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed November 23, 2014 at: http://su.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:703878/FULLTEXT02.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Sweden

URL: http://su.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:703878/FULLTEXT02.pdf

Shelf Number: 133936

Criminal Careers (Sweden)
Life-Course Criminology
Stockholm Life Course Project