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Date: June 30, 2024 Sun

Time: 12:34 pm

Results for street children (philippines)

1 results found

Author: Puzon, Marco Paa

Title: Painted Gray Faces, Behind Bars and in the Streets Street Children and the Juvenile Justice System in the Philippines

Summary: The Consortium for Street Children (CSC) is a network of NGOs working with street-involved children, and children at risk of taking to street life in Africa, Asia, Eastern and Central Europe, and Latin America. In many countries around the world street children are particularly vulnerable to abuses in juvenile justice systems: they are highly likely to come into contact with the criminal justice system in the first place, and they are less able to defend themselves from abuse once within the system. In some countries, in the absence of adequate social welfare responses, the criminal justice system is used to warehouse homeless children regardless of whether or not they have committed a crime. In other countries, outdated legislation means that children face harsh sentences for petty (often ‘survival’) theft, substance abuse, begging and ‘vagrancy’. In short, these children are discriminated against and have their rights violated because they are poor. In response to the internationally identified need to address the particular overlap between street children and the criminal justice system, CSC has undertaken a two-year research and advocacy project working with local partners to examine the situation of the human rights abuses of street children in juvenile justice systems in six countries: Kenya, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines and Romania. Research was undertaken and national, cross-sectoral workshops were convened involving street children themselves, civil society organisations, the police, judiciary, social and probation services and other stakeholders to identify key obstacles to the implementation of international human rights standards for street children in juvenile justice systems in each country. With an emphasis on constructive dialogue and collaboration between civil society and government, the workshops addressed issues of national relevance, examined examples of innovative good practice in this area and outlined recommendations for further action. The project in the Philippines uniquely focused on eliciting the views and participation of children themselves from around the country through a series of creative methodologies that were subsequently shared with the other participating countries.

Details: Quezon City: Psychosocial Trauma and Human Rights Program Center for Integrative and Development Studies University of the Philippines; Consortium for Street Children 2003. 231p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 28, 2013 at: http://www.pstcrrc.org/docs/Painted_Gray_Faces_Behind_Bars_And_In_The_Streets.pdf

Year: 2003

Country: Philippines

URL: http://www.pstcrrc.org/docs/Painted_Gray_Faces_Behind_Bars_And_In_The_Streets.pdf

Shelf Number: 129209

Juvenile Justice Systems
Juvenile Offenders
Street Children (Philippines)