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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 8:11 pm

Results for street safety

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Author: Deloitte MCS Limited

Title: Identification of Selection Criteria to Prioritise Potential Areas for the Roll-Out of the Belfast Community Safety Alleygating Scheme and the Development of Evaluation Criteria

Summary: The Community Safety Team is facilitating the development of proposals for future gating within the city, using the findings of the evaluation and experiences of the pilot scheme. To support this work Deloitte LLP has been engaged to identify selection criteria to allow the prioritisation of potential areas for the roll-out of the Belfast Community Safety Alleygating Scheme as well as supporting the development of ongoing evaluation criteria. As part of this process, Deloitte consulted with key stakeholders such as the Belfast Community Safety Partnership, the Police Service of Northern Ireland, the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue, the Roads Service and colleagues internally within the Council, including Cleansing Services, responsible for cleaning the entries. Deloitte has used the findings of this research to develop a series of considerations/indicators which will allow the Community Safety Team to assess both the ‘need’ for and the 'feasibility' of, alleygating in neighbourhoods across the city. These include: - Completion of streets adjacent to the pilot areas; - ASB and criminal damage; - Community support for and capacity to support an alleygating scheme;- Physical structure of alleyways. Deloitte has structured these factors into two levels of criteria, mandatory criteria; i.e. those that must be met before an area would be earmarked for alleygating and prioritisation criteria; i.e. those against which each street is assessed and weighted marks are awarded as a score. Deloitte has applied the prioritisation criteria to streets throughout the city (where there have been requests for alleygating) to develop an initial list of streets. The mandatory criteria would then be applied by the Community Safety Team as a second phase as this will require on-site surveys to assess for example whether it is physically possible to erect gates. For efficiency reasons, streets will be surveyed taking the initial list in descending order until resources are likely to be exhausted. Taking cognisance of the comments of Members, Deloitte has prioritised streets in each of the four city quadrants, North, South, East and West to ensure a cross-city approach. It is important to note that these lists of streets have not been surveyed for their physical suitability and this will form the next phase of the application and roll out of the scheme over 2009-11. The size of the scheme will depend on the finances available and the staff capacity. In order to take forward a significant alleygating scheme across the City over the next 2-3 years, it will be necessary to seek external financial assistance. Each gate is likely to cost in the region of 4,000 pounds installed, which in effect means it is likely to cost 500,000 pounds to erect gates in approximately 65 streets. Negotiations are already taking place with the Northern Ireland Office and the Belfast Regeneration Office. However, it must be appreciated that outside bodies providing funding are likely to stipulate some further conditions for spending their funds which could then affect the prioritisation of streets presented in the Deloitte report. Given the costs outlined above, it is unlikely that all streets that are on the current waiting list can be facilitated in the near future. Therefore the prioritisation of the streets against agreed selection criteria is critical. It is important that Members agree the broad process so that the Community Safety Team can take the various stages forward. Evaluating the impact of future alleygating schemes will be important to demonstrate how these have helped to achieve the overall objective of making Belfast safer as well assuring value for money. Deloitte has therefore refined the evaluation criteria originally used in the pilot and developed a new evaluation framework which is linked to the selection criteria and which includes performance targets which will be measured against neighbourhood baselines.

Details: Belfast, Ireland: Deloitte MCS Limited, 2009. 50p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 18, 2019 at: https://minutes3.belfastcity.gov.uk/documents/s18605/Appendix%201%20-%20Deloitte%20Report.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Ireland

URL: https://minutes3.belfastcity.gov.uk/mgAi.aspx?ID=13586

Shelf Number: 157016

Public Safety
Street Safety