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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 8:59 pm

Results for substance abuse (vermont)

1 results found

Author: Ricklund, Peter

Title: Rapid Referral Program: Spectrum Youth & Family Services: Outcome Evaluation

Summary: The Rapid Referral Program is a partnership between Spectrum Youth & Family Services of Burlington, Vermont and the Chittenden County District Court. The purpose of this partnership is to increase access to mental health and substance abuse assessment services for individuals involved in the criminal justice system whose charge(s) are related to substance use. The main objective of the Program is to provide judges with a mechanism at arraignment to rapidly refer defendants to Spectrum Youth Services for substance abuse screening and treatment rather than delaying services until the case is disposed by the court. An outcome evaluation attempts to determine the effects that a program has on its participants. In the case of the Rapid Referral Program (hereafter “the Program”), the objective of this outcome evaluation was to determine the extent to which the Program impacts recidivism among Program participants. An indicator of post-Program criminal behavior that is commonly used in outcome evaluations of criminal justice programs is the number of participants who recidivate -- that is, are convicted of a crime after they complete the Program. For this study an analysis of the criminal history records of the 171 subjects who were referred and accepted into the Program from November, 2008 to September, 2011 was conducted using the Vermont criminal history record of participants as provided by the Vermont Criminal Information Center at the Department of Public Safety. The Vermont criminal history record on which the recidivism analysis was based included all charges and convictions prosecuted in a Vermont District Court that were available as of December 5, 2011. The criminal records on which the study was based do not contain Federal prosecutions, out-of-state prosecutions, or traffic tickets. MAJOR CONCLUSIONS 1. The Rapid Referral Program serves its designated target population. 2. The Rapid Referral Program serves defendants who possess a variety of risk factors generally considered to be related to recidivism. 3. The Rapid Referral Program appears to be a promising approach for positively impacting recidivism among Program participants. 4. The vast majority of Rapid Referral Program participants that recidivate are convicted of new crimes within one year of Program completion. Estimates suggest that the percentage of participants who recidivate is not likely to increase as post-Program elapsed time continues to increase for participants. 5. Generally, post-Program reconvictions for Rapid Referral Program participants involved minor types of crime. 6. The Rapid Referral Program seems to be relatively successful in reducing the number of reconvictions for alcohol and drug crimes among participants after Program completion. 7. The Rapid Referral Program recidivists tended to commit post-Program crime in Chittenden County.

Details: Northfield Falls, VT: Vermont Center for Justice Research, 2012. 29p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 19, 2012 at: http://www.vcjr.org/reports/reportscrimjust/downloads-2/files/Spectrum%20Report.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.vcjr.org/reports/reportscrimjust/downloads-2/files/Spectrum%20Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 126747

Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug Abuse and Crime
Drug Abuse Treatment
Mental Health Services
Substance Abuse (Vermont)