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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:51 am

Results for sustainable solutions

1 results found

Author: Pertek, Iman S.

Title: Don't Force Me!: A Policy Brief on Early and Forced Marriage

Summary: Islamic Relief is working in the countries of high and highest Early and Forced Marriage (EFM) prevalence, such as Niger, Bangladesh, Chad, Mali, India, Ethiopia and Malawi. Our teams identified EFM as a serious issue hindering females and communities at large from improving their wellbeing. We have been addressing this problem through multi-sector and integrated approaches, applying culturally sensitive and sustainable strategies, to help communities achieve most effective development outcomes. A clear organisational policy stance on EFM will further strengthen the effectiveness of our interventions. “Early marriage has devastating consequences... According to the 2012 Demographic and Health Survey, in Niger 57 % of girls aged 10-14 are not attending school, because it is considered that married girls are expected to stay at home.” Habou Illyassou, Child Welfare Coordinator, IR Niger, Niamey office. Islamic Relief is calling for an end to EFM as part of its wider strategy to promote universal human rights and in particular, establish gender justice, ensure child protection, promote healthy families and provide appropriate Islamic solutions in Muslim communities. Our work to end EFM will be guided by research into EFM in specific contexts and tailor-made interventions that are effective, culturally-appropriate and sustainable. We will implement direct programmes tackling EFM and include efforts to end EFM as part of our wider emergency and development programmes. We will work closely with partner organisations that have the same goal, advocate for greater inclusive protection for all women and children of all abilities and contribute to the global effort to end EFM.

Details: Birmingham, UK: Islamic Relief Worldwide, 2017. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 17, 2018 at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326450573_Don't_Force_Me_A_policy_brief_on_early_and_forced_marriage_Islamic_Relief_Worldwide

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: http://library.had-int.org/dont-force-me/

Shelf Number: 153876

Early and Forced Marriage
Forced Marriage
Gender Justice
Human Rights
Islamic Solutions
Sustainable Solutions