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Results for sweden

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Author: Helweg-Larsen, Karin

Title: Framework for Nordic youth surveys on child sexual abuse and exposure to violence outside and in the family.

Summary: In June 2007 the Danish Crime Prevention Council (Det Kriminalpræventive Råd, DKR) engaged a group of Nordic researchers in a dialogue on the feasibility of setting up a framework for future surveys on violence and sexual abuse during childhood and early adolescence. The major objective was to promote research networking in order to create a basis for comparable studies in the five Nordic countries as a part of a joint Nordic project on violence "Violence and its reduction in the Nordic countries" (Våld och våldsreducering i Norden). Thereby, a solid foundation for prevention of sexual abuse and other violence against children would be achieved. By establishing a research network for a youth survey in different aspects of child violence in the Nordic countries, the aim was to encourage a joint Nordic framework. The Nordic researchers have agreed upon a survey model that may describe the current prevalence and character of child abuse and have tried to ensure future joint research projects on risk factors of child violence and abuse in the different Nordic countries based on comparable data. The present report describes the planning of a framework for youth surveys. In the report is documented the background for setting up school based youth surveys and the decisions taken by a working group.

Details: Copenhagen, Denmark: Nordic Council of Ministers, TemaNord, 2009. 110p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed on January 23, 2012 at http://www.norden.org/en/publications/publikationer/2009-540/at_download/publicationfile

Year: 2009

Country: Denmark

URL: http://www.norden.org/en/publications/publikationer/2009-540/at_download/publicationfile

Shelf Number: 123750

Child Abuse
Child Sexual Abuse
Victimization Surveys

Author: Takala, Jukka-Pekka

Title: Looking at violence in the Nordic Countries: statistical sources, variations, improving measurement

Summary: This report reviews and discusses violence statistics and their problems and possible improvements from various angles. The report is based on the work of the "statistical" subproject of the Nordic Project on Violence: "Violence and its reduction in the Nordic countries" (Våld och våldsreducering i Norden) financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers and carried out by the Nordic councils for crime prevention and the Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology. The Statistics Subproject was to look at three related but originally separate subprojects of the original overall plan: 1. To describe and compare violence with the help of extant statistics; 2. To chart variations in violence in the Nordic countries; 3. To develop instruments of measuring violence in intimate relations including violence in the family. With the resources available, the subproject was unable to carry out any of these tasks in a truly systematic and comprehensive manner. However, we hope that the variable material we were able to produce on all these themes can contribute to better accounting for violence and be of help when devising methods for preventing violence. The report describes levels and trends in violence. It touches on problems and solutions in their measurement. Some suggestions are tentative, others are more firmly established and the reader can turn to the research and web pages that are referred to in the reports.

Details: Copenhagen, Denmark: Nordic Council of Ministers, TemaNord, 2009. 95p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed on January 23, 2012 at http://www.norden.org/sv/publikationer/publikationer/2009-542/at_download/publicationfile

Year: 2009

Country: Denmark

URL: http://www.norden.org/sv/publikationer/publikationer/2009-542/at_download/publicationfile

Shelf Number: 123751

Victimization Surveys
Victims of Crime
Violent Crimes

Author: Holmström, Charlotta

Title: Prostitution in the Nordic Countries

Summary: This report summarises the results of the research project “Prostitution in the Nordic Countries”, conducted by the Nordic Gender Institute – NIKK and commissioned by the Nordic Council of Ministers for Gender Equality. The aim of the project was to present and discuss research on prostitution and human trafficking for sexual purposes in the Nordic countries and the autonomous territories of the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland. The project has compiled data on the extent of prostitution, as well as on both the legal and the social treatment of these issues. The report also presents results from quantitative and qualitative studies on attitudes to prostitution and human trafficking for sexual purposes. The project comprised eleven Nordic researchers from various disciplines and from all the Nordic countries.

Details: Copenhagen, Denmark: Nordic Council of Ministers, TemaNord, 2009. 45p.

Source: Conference Report, Stockholm

Year: 2009

Country: Denmark


Shelf Number: 123752

Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking

Author: Langelid, Torfinn

Title: Nordic Prison Education: A Lifelong Learning Perspective

Summary: In 1999, the Nordic Council adopted a recommendation on prison education in a Nordic perspective. In September 2001, a Nordic project group was appointed to carry out a study, with representatives from the prison and probation services and the educational authorities. The project was directed by the County Governor of Hordaland, Norway. A decision was adopted in 2007 to revise the report in relation to recent research, new surveys, and general developments in the Nordic countries. The purpose of the project was to provide a concise, overall and updated comparative view of education and training in prisons in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, as well as a brief description of the situation in Iceland, Greenland, the Faeroe islands and the Åland islands. If convicted prisoners are to be offered education on equal terms with others in society, the right to education must be clearly stipulated in the legislation. According to this report, good cooperation between the prison and probation services and other authorities is one of the key starting points for satisfying prisoners' educational needs. The prison education offered today does not satisfactorily correspond to prisoners' educational needs. Increased investments in prison education would probably be of added value for society as a whole. This report provides useful documentation for individuals working with any aspect of the wider problem complex relating to prison and probation services.

Details: Copenhagen, Denmark: Norden, 2009. 227p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed on January 27, 2012 at http://www.norden.org/en/publications/publikationer/2009-536/at_download/publicationfile

Year: 2009

Country: International

URL: http://www.norden.org/en/publications/publikationer/2009-536/at_download/publicationfile

Shelf Number: 123842

Correctional Education (Nordic)
Vocational Education and Training (Nordic Countrie