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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

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Results for tattoos

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Author: Nafekh, Mark

Title: Evaluation Report: Correctional Service Canada's Safer Tattooing Practices Pilot Initiative

Summary: "The practice of illicit tattooing in prison has been associated with high incidence and prevalence rates of blood borne infectious diseases within federal correctional institutions, a risk which is also extended to correctional staff members and to the general public. In response to the Federal National AIDS Strategy (1997) and the 31st Annual Report of the Correctional Investigator (2004), Correctional Service Canada (CSC) agreed to explore expanding its infectious disease control program to include Safer Tattooing Practices as a harm reduction initiative. In August 2005, CSC began its pilot of the Safer Tattooing Practices Initiative (STPI)2, which was implemented through an education component and an operational component. The operational component saw the implementation of tattoo rooms in six federal institutions – one men’s institution in each of the five regions (Atlantic, Cowansville, Bath, Rockwood and Matsqui Institutions) plus one women’s institution (Fraser Valley Institution for Women). The education component, delivered at CSC’s five regional reception centres, informed all inmates with a new federal offence about the risks of unsafe tattooing practices at the five regional reception centres. The education component also provided information through a guidelines document and pamphlets distributed at each of the six pilot sites. This report provides findings of the targeted evaluation of the STPI. The report measures achievements and outcomes as outlined in the Evaluation Framework (2005). The report is summative in nature even though it incorporates aspects of both the formative and summative approaches towards evaluation. Thus, most but not all of the immediate, intermediate and long term impacts were assessed. As such, the report includes findings and recommendations regarding the implementation of the STPI, however not all aspects of this area were examined in detail as they would in a purely formative evaluation. The findings and recommendations contained in this report are designed to guide decisions regarding the suitability of continuing the Safer Tattooing harm reduction initiative."

Details: Ottawa: Correctional Service Canada, Evalution Branch, Performance Assurance Sector, 2009. 70p.

Source: Internet Resource; Accessed August 14, 2010 at: http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/text/pa/ev-tattooing-394-2-39/ev-tattooing-394-2-39_e.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/text/pa/ev-tattooing-394-2-39/ev-tattooing-394-2-39_e.pdf

Shelf Number: 114339

Health Care