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Results for terrorism (australia)

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Author: Australian National Audit Office

Title: Fighting Terrorism at its Source

Summary: The objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness of the Australian Federal Police’s (AFP) administration of the Fighting Terrorism at its Source (FTAS) initiative and related measures. The audit examined individual elements of the initiative and the overall program of activity, to determine whether:  policy and program direction is considered within an established governance framework that promotes alignment with overarching policy and integration of related measures, and that key stakeholders are engaged;  planning and delivery of individual measures and packages of measures is thorough, with objectives and outcomes agreed to and key risks identified and managed, and implementation was efficient, effective and in accordance with better practice principles; and  outcomes are monitored and evaluated with appropriate oversight, and feedback to stakeholders informs ongoing administration. The ANAO examined a broad range of measures and activities relating to regional counter‐terrorism engagement by the AFP and focused the audit on those programs and activities which are closely aligned or integrated with the key components of the FTAS initiative. The activities examined include both front‐line activities (primarily based in regional host countries but including some domestic activities) and enabling activities (generally Australia‐based although including some deployable elements). In the course of fieldwork, the ANAO conducted site visits, reviewed documents and held discussions with key stakeholders in Canberra, Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand. While a modest expansion of the AFP’s international counter‐terrorism liaison network was funded from the FTAS initiative, the general administration of this network has not been included within the scope of the audit. The administration of the domestic Community Liaison Teams, although funded through the 2009 renewal of the FTAS initiative, were also outside of the scope of this audit as they form an element of the Government’s broader policy on countering violent extremism. The Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC), established in 2004, was included within the scope of the audit only to the extent that it supports the identification, delivery and evaluation of training aimed at building regional counter‐terrorism capacity. In conducting this audit, the ANAO necessarily held discussions and reviewed documents which reflected matters which are sensitive from a national security, operational or international relations perspective. In line with previous practice, these matters are not discussed in detail in this report.

Details: Canberra: Australian National Audit Office, 2012. 112p.

Source: Internet Resource: ANAO Audit Report No.30 2011–12: Accessed May 1, 2012 at: http://www.anao.gov.au/~/media/Uploads/Audit%20Reports/2011%2012/201112%20Audit%20Report%20No%2030.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.anao.gov.au/~/media/Uploads/Audit%20Reports/2011%2012/201112%20Audit%20Report%20No%2030.pdf

Shelf Number: 125113

Terrorism (Australia)