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Results for terrorism (netherlands)

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Author: Poot, C.J. de

Title: Jihadi Terrorism in the Netherlands: A Description Based on Closed Criminal Investigations

Summary: What is the nature of jihadist terrorism in the Netherlands at the outset of the 21st century when we base our analysis on information the police gathered about this phenomenon? That is the core question of this research. In order to increase the understanding of jihadist terrorism, the knowledge collected by the police during criminal investigations into jihadist activities has been analysed systematically. When we refer to jihadist activities, we mean activities which are aimed at making a contribution to the armed fight against the West and against other perceived enemies of Islam. For the purpose of this research, we analysed a total of twelve (large-scale) criminal investigations that were conducted in the Netherlands in the period between July 2001 and July 2005. In doing so, we have sketched the portrait of an era. The most recent criminal investigation we analysed was conducted in the spring of 2005. We cannot make any projection about the manner in which the phenomenon of jihadism has changed since then under the influence of national or international developments. We have based this research on police files. This entails considerable restrictions. Firstly, not all jihadist activities come to the knowledge of the police and the police do not initiate criminal investigations into all jihadist activities which come to their knowledge. Secondly, we only selected a part of the cases which have been investigated during the research period. This selection may have influenced our perception. Thirdly, we have based this research on the information gathered by investigation teams which had the aim of reconstructing terrorist crimes and submitting these to the court substantiated by evidence. This focus of the investigation teams, their investigation hypotheses and the related selection and interpretation of information has also influenced our perception. The findings presented below must be seen in this light. For the purpose of obtaining an objective analysis of the available investigation material, but also because different criminal investigations into jihadist activities are often interrelated, we considered the selected investigation material in its entirety, and chose to rely less on the structures of the separate criminal investigations. The raw empirical material was subsequently restructured, so that groups of cooperating persons and joint activities could be examined together. In analysing this material, we focused on three dimensions of this phenomenon: (1) jihadist cooperations; (2) the activities performed in these cooperations and (3) the jihadist actors.

Details: The Hague: Boom Juridische uitgevers, 2011. 176p.

Source: Internet Resource: Onderzoek en beleid, 291: Accessed April 12, 2011 at: http://english.wodc.nl/onderzoeksdatabase/1381a-jihadist-terrorism-in-the-netherlands-a-description-based-on-closed-criminal-investigations.aspx?cp=45&cs=6796

Year: 2011

Country: Netherlands

URL: http://english.wodc.nl/onderzoeksdatabase/1381a-jihadist-terrorism-in-the-netherlands-a-description-based-on-closed-criminal-investigations.aspx?cp=45&cs=6796

Shelf Number: 121318

Criminal Investigation
Extremist Groups
Terrorism (Netherlands)