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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 9:03 am

Results for theft-

1 results found

Author: Retail Crime Commission

Title: Retail Crime Commission Report to the Conservative Party

Summary: This report by the Conservative Retail Crime Commission outlines how neglect of retail crime has had a debilitating effect on local communities and businesses and makes recommendations for change. The Commission recommends that: The existing sanctions regime should be reformed so that Fixed Penalty Notices are only used for first time offences and are recorded to ensure repeat offenders are identified; Community based sanctions are used for first time offences, helping restore confidence to the public and social responsibility among perpetrators; Police must be obliged to record where crime occurs in retail premises and citizens given access to crime statistics so they can hold police to account for crime in their locality; Police forces must be encouraged to collaborate and share information to address cross-border criminal activity; Drug policy should be focused on breaking the cycle of addiction and acquisitive crime by getting addicts off drugs rather than maintaining them in addiction; and Greater emphasis should also be given to intervening early to deal with the underlying causes of crime and anti-social behaviour.

Details: London: Retail Crime Commission, 2009. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 23, 2010 at: http://www.philipdunne.com/retailcrimecommission/Retail_Crime_Commission.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.philipdunne.com/retailcrimecommission/Retail_Crime_Commission.pdf

Shelf Number: 119242

Retail Crime