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Results for threat assessments

4 results found

Author: U.S. Government Accountability Office

Title: Transportation Security: Action Needed to Strengthen TSA's Security Threat Assessment Process

Summary: The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) implements programs that, for example, ensure individuals with unescorted access to secure areas of the nation’s critical transportation infrastructure do not pose a security threat. Key to these programs are security threat assessments that screen individuals for links to terrorism, criminal history, and immigration status. TSA’s Adjudication Center serves as the primary operational component in this process. GAO was asked to examine the performance and staffing strategy of the center. This report addresses the extent to which 1) TSA has measured performance for the center and what the data show; 2) TSA offices have coordinated to meet security threat assessment workload; and 3) TSA addressed potential risks posed by using a mix of government employees and contractors to adjudicate security threat assessments. GAO analyzed TSA data describing the center’s performance since October 2010; reviewed documentation, including staffing plans; and interviewed TSA officials about data measurement and staffing practices. What GAO Recommends GAO recommends that TSA, among other things: direct the Adjudication Center to calculate an accuracy rate that includes adjudicator performance for cases where applicants were both approved and disqualified; share adjudicator staffing plans among key program offices; and update its Adjudication Center workforce conversion plan and provide it to DHS for review and approval. DHS concurred with our recommendations.

Details: Washington, DC: GAO, 2013. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: GAO-13-629: Accessed August 8, 2013 at: http://www.gao.gov/assets/660/656051.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://www.gao.gov/assets/660/656051.pdf

Shelf Number: 129590

Airport Security
Cargo Security
Maritime Security
Threat Assessments
Transportation Security (U.S.)

Author: Shaw, Mark

Title: Know Your Enemy: An Overview of Organized Crime Threat Assessments

Summary: There is increasing awareness within police forces and international organizations that organized crime is a growing threat to security. However, due to a lack of data and insufficient knowledge about illicit activities, criminal justice experts are often left chasing shadows. To rectify this problem, more attention has been devoted to developing and using organized crime threat assessments in recent years, particularly for use in vulnerable states that are less resistant to infiltration by criminals. This paper briefly considers the history of organized crime threat assessments, the process in which they have been produced and used, and criticisms that have been leveled against them. Finally, it considers their applicability to fragile and postconflict countries and the kind of requirements that would need to be fulfilled for threat assessments to be an effective tool against organized crime in such contexts.

Details: New York: International Peace Institute, 2011. 7p.

Source: Internet Resource: Issue Brief: Accessed August 10, 2013 at: http://www.ipinst.org/media/pdf/publications/ipi_e_pub_know_your_enemy.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.ipinst.org/media/pdf/publications/ipi_e_pub_know_your_enemy.pdf

Shelf Number: 129608

Organized Crime (International)
Threat Assessments

Author: Cornell, Dewey

Title: Prevention v. Punishment: Threat Assessment, School Suspensions, and Racial Disparities

Summary: Racial disparities in school discipline today are troubling. Nationally, nearly one third of black male high school and middle school students undergo suspension, while only one in ten white males are suspended. In Virginia, black males are suspended at approximately twice the rate of white males in elementary, middle, and high schools. Black females are suspended at more than twice the rate of white females. There are racial disparities even when controlling for a variety of other factors, such as poverty and delinquency. Because suspension is linked to school dropout and delinquency, reducing disparities in suspension rates could help reduce school dropout and delinquency rates for all students, but especially for black males. This report presents new evidence that the implementation of Virginia Student Threat Assessment Guidelines (VSTAG) in Virginia public schools is associated with marked reductions in both short-term and long-term school suspensions. Furthermore, use of VSTAG is associated with reductions in the racial disparity in long-term suspensions. Schools using VSTAG have substantially lower rates of school suspensions, especially among black males, who tend to have the highest suspension rates.

Details: Charlottesville, VA: JustChildren, Legal Aid Justice Center, University of Virginia, 2013. 25p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 13, 2014 at:

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: https://www.justice4all.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/UVA-and-JustChildren-Report-Prevention-v.-Punishment.pdf

Shelf Number: 131755

Racial Disparities
School Discipline
School Suspensions
Threat Assessments

Author: European Cybercrime Center - Europol

Title: Police Ransomware Threat Assessment

Summary: Over the past two years, European Union (EU) Member States (MS) have been confronted with a significant proliferation of police ransomware cases. Experts from both law enforcement and the private sector agree that prevention and raising awareness can only work in conjunction with investigations targeting the criminals behind the fraud. Furthermore, even if police ransomware in its current form might naturally fade out in the future, it is likely that an evolution of this modus operandi driven by the same or different perpetrators will take place. That is why it is important that measures against police ransomware and similar modi operandi are implemented in a coordinated, complementary and comprehensive manner. This assessment is the result of a common initiative of the European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) and the Dutch National High Tech Crime Unit (NHTCU). Its aim is to increase awareness of ransomware by providing an EU perspective on the problem and to identify opportunities for intervention and coordination. The assessment encourages better coordination and cooperation between MS law enforcement agencies from the early stages of cybercrime investigations and acknowledges once more the importance of partnering with private industry. This threat assessment relies on open source information, research papers on ransomware and semi-structured interviews with cybercrime investigators.

Details: The Hague: European Cybercrime Centre (EC3), 2014. 13p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 5, 2014 at: https://www.europol.europa.eu/sites/default/files/publications/policeransomware-threatassessment.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.europol.europa.eu/sites/default/files/publications/policeransomware-threatassessment.pdf

Shelf Number: 132417

Computer Fraud
Cybercrime (Europe)
Threat Assessments