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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:59 am

Results for tor

1 results found

Author: Monk, Bryan

Title: Tor, What is it Good For? How Crime Predicts Domain Failure on the Darkweb

Summary: Content analysis of the darkweb shows the volume of illicit domains which are speculated to facilitate criminal activity. Describing Tor serves a valuable purpose, however does not allow for broader speculations about the criminogenic nature of the environment and the dismantling of the hidden services. Examining how the criminal content leads to domain failures is a small step towards providing insight into any casual mechanisms on Tor. The current study analyzes how 774 categorized domains explain website failure using a Cox repeated events regression while controlling for structure, popularity and size. Tor domain failure was found to be a function of popularity and size rather than criminality. Some criminally focused domains, however did survive longer on average than legal websites. The visibility of the domains may lead to increased costs financially as well as socially. The lack of infrastructure paired with law enforcement interventions may explain domain failures on Tor.

Details: Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada: Simon Fraser University, 2017. 75p.

Source: Internet Resource Master's Thesis: Accessed May 28, 2019 at: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Tor-%2C-what-is-it-good-for-How-crime-predicts-domain-Monk-Mathesius/a8a7a04c56f5fcf4f60c76e646b61ebbdbf00547

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/a8a7/a04c56f5fcf4f60c76e646b61ebbdbf00547.pdf?_ga=2.49736814.972679132.1559056280-462006081.1559056280

Shelf Number: 156055

Dark Web
Illicit Domains
Internet Crime