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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:01 pm

Results for toronto police service

1 results found

Author: Toronto Police

Title: Action Plan: The Way Forward Modernizing Community Safety in Toronto

Summary: The members of the Toronto Police Service ("TPS" or "the Service") are dedicated individuals who are committed to our city. They carry out their responsibilities with honesty and integrity. They understand the importance of public trust and take their duty of care seriously. However, Toronto has become a very large and complex city. It has changed dramatically and rapidly in the last few decades and will continue to do so in the decades ahead. Like many large cities in North America and elsewhere, the scope and pace of change in Toronto's neighbourhoods and communities have created new demands and pressures on policing. The TPS and its members have worked hard to respond. They have taken a model of policing that was designed for a different time and different city, and have stretched it to the limits of what’s possible. The Transformational Task Force's (the Task Force) mandate has been to look beyond the way policing is currently done in Toronto to propose a modernized policing model for the City of Toronto that is innovative, sustainable and affordable - a model that will place communities at its core, be intelligence-led and optimize the use of resources and technology while embracing partnerships as a means of enhancing capability and capacity. The Task Force represents a very different approach to the challenge of modernizing policing in Toronto. It has been an intensive partnership over the past twelve months of volunteers with varied backgrounds and Service members with equally varied experience. Having the Board Chair and Chief of Police as co-chairs has made it clear that this has not been just another review that will require further study by the Service. With this action plan, we define the path to excellence for the TPS. We envision an organization that is an international leader in providing trusted community-focused policing. The modern Toronto Police Service will embrace and be embraced by all Toronto residents and communities. It will engage with and be inclusive of the full diversity of our city. It will continually evolve to meet the changing needs of Toronto and in doing so will demonstrate excellence in public service management and leadership.

Details: Toronto, Canada: 2017. 33p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 23, 2019 at: https://www.torontopolice.on.ca/TheWayForward/files/action-plan.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Canada

URL: https://www.torontopolice.on.ca/TheWayForward/files/action-plan.pdf

Shelf Number: 154364

Action Plan
Community Based Policing
Community-Focused Policing
Intelligence-Led Policing
Law Enforcement
Police Department
Toronto Police Service