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Results for trafficking in natural resources

5 results found

Author: Awazi, Alain

Title: Trafficking of Gold and and Coltan in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Summary: Following a dictatorship that lasted for 30 years, in May 1997, the late MOBUTU SESE SEKO was pushed out of power by Laurent Desire KABILA, with the support of The Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo-Zaire ("AFDL") rebels and neighboring countries following a war that caused several hundred thousand deaths. Zaire became the "Democratic Republic of the Congo" (DRC), beginning a long period of instability dominated by armed conflicts from various rival groups, which profoundly affected the economy. It is unanimously agreed that economic motives, directly related to exploitation and traffic of mineral in East of the country, have been a substantial cause of those conflicts. The purpose of this short descriptive document is to present relevant background information about the Democratic Republic of the Congo ("DRC" or "DR Congo") and the criminal or illegal exploitation of coltan and gold. The document consists of eight parts: The introductory first part is followed by a second part that includes a background on the DR Congo; the third part is a description of the socio-political and economic situation of the country; the fourth part includes relevant information regarding crimes and human rights violations in DRC; the fifth part is a description of trafficking in Kivu; the sixth part describes the situation of law enforcement around the exploitation; the seventh covers current and active mechanism for regulating the extraction and production of minerals and the eighth section presents some conclusions.

Details: Bogotá, Colombia: Vortex Foundation, 2016. 17p.

Source: Internet Resource: The Global Observatory of Transnational Criminal Networks: Research Paper No. 3. VORTEX Working Papers No. 14: Accessed January 26, 2017 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/522e46_f2a86e46cc1040b78d9867291bd87bca.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Congo, Democratic Republic

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/522e46_f2a86e46cc1040b78d9867291bd87bca.pdf

Shelf Number: 145434

Conflict Minerals
Illegal Mining
Mining Industry
Natural Resources
Trafficking in Natural Resources

Author: Duarte, Natalia

Title: Introduction to trafficking of Gold and Coltan in Colombia

Summary: The aim of this document is to present the social, economic and politic background of Colombia, as well as some characteristics of the legal and illegal markets for gold and Coltan. The document has four parts: The first one is a background to relevant characteristics of Colombia, the second part is an introduction to the characteristics of the extraction and trade of Gold in Colombia, the third section is a description of the exploitation and trade of Coltan in Colombia, and the final section includes some conclusions.

Details: Bogota, Colombia: Vortex Foundation, 2016. 33p.

Source: Internet Resource: The Global Observatory of Transnational Criminal Networks: Research Paper No. 1. VORTEX Working Papers: Accessed January 26, 2017 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/522e46_fadd5864de324ab0a358b0bef2f642e5.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Colombia

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/522e46_fadd5864de324ab0a358b0bef2f642e5.pdf

Shelf Number: 140722

Conflict Minerals
Illegal Mining
Mining Industry
Natural Resources
Trafficking in Natural Resources

Author: Lopez Guevara, Estefania

Title: Illegal Mining and Trafficking of Coltan in the Amazon Border Region

Summary: The illegal mining of coltan takes place not only in Colombia, but also in the border region between Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil. Unlicensed miners, supported by guerrillas and hidden by authorities from Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil, exploit the mines and coerce indigenous peoples into mining labors in the Amazonas where it is presumed that there are deposits of columbite and tantalite inside native's reserves or natural parks. Bearing this in mind, the purpose of this document is to describe the illegal mining and trafficking of coltan in the Amazon border region. The information is structured around the following topics and sections: (i) Key criminal agents relevant in trafficking of coltan, (ii) key criminal hotspots related to trafficking of coltan, (iii) and a description of recent relevant cases.

Details: Bogota, Colombia: Vortex Foundation, 2016. 14p.

Source: Internet Resource: Internet Resource: The Global Observatory of Transnational Criminal Networks: Research Paper No. 2. VORTEX Working Papers: Accessed January 26, 2017: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/522e46_bdea3889f6994097adeb2cab13f92ab9.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: South America

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/522e46_bdea3889f6994097adeb2cab13f92ab9.pdf

Shelf Number: 144868

Conflict Minerals
Illegal Mining
Mining Industry
Natural Resources
Trafficking in Natural Resources

Author: Lopez Guevara, Estefania

Title: Coltan Trafficking Network in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Summary: Trafficking of Coltan is the main economic, social and political source of instability in The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and surrounding countries, including Rwanda and Burundi. The illegal market of the ore has roots in transnational and domestic corruption, financial support to armed groups, violation of workers' rights, multinationals collusion, instability of international prices minerals and lack of diversification. Armed groups earn hundreds of millions of dollars every year by trading coltan that is smuggled out of Congo throughout neighboring countries and then shipped to smelters for refinement. Once the coltan is processed, it is difficult to trace its origin, so it easily makes its way all over the world, mainly, in electronic products. The sophisticated trafficking system of coltan is based on elite networks that operate mainly in DRC, linked to transnational organized crime and also to transnational lawful agents, such as corporations. Several lawful and unlawful agents conform each network. In fact, it has been reported that there is - competition between corrupt generals and rebels. In the case of the militia groups profits go on buying arms on the black market. With the generals, some [profits] go on arms, but lots of it goes on luxury things like villas. The profits are funding the war for everyone - both sides. It's a self-supporting war. (France 24, 2008) This document is the analysis of a criminal network traffics coltan, diamonds, arms, gold, and other minerals and commodities across the DRC and surrounding countries. The document has five parts: The first part is an introduction; the second part is a description of the methodology and the concepts related to Social Network Analysis, which is the methodological approach herein applied; the third part is a presentation of a criminal network defined as a "coltan trafficking and elite network in DRC", as well as the sources gathered and processed in this analysis; the fourth part is a presentation of the characteristics of the criminal structure, which includes a description of the types of nodes/agents, the interactions established, and the nodes/agents concentrating direct interactions and the capacity to arbitrate resources. The fifth part includes conclusions related to the characteristics the analyzed network.

Details: Bogotá, Colombia: Vortex Foundation, 2016. 39p.

Source: Internet Resource: The Global Observatory of Transnational Criminal Networks: Research Paper No. 19. VORTEX Working Papers no. 14: Accessed January 27, 2017 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/522e46_f0896eb2340e4941bdd0de3f52e3bc65.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Congo, Democratic Republic

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/522e46_f0896eb2340e4941bdd0de3f52e3bc65.pdf

Shelf Number: 145815

Conflict Minerals
Criminal Networks
Illegal Mining
Mining Industry
Natural Resources
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Natural Resources

Author: Lopez Guevara, Estefania

Title: Trafficking of Coltan in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Summary: The subjects analyzed in the document are the commerce, fraud, and contraband, as well as mechanisms and agents at internal and external levels intervening in the trafficking of coltan. This document also examines the (i) key criminal agents and other activities relating to the traffic of the ore, (ii) hotspots and (iii) recent cases covered by media.

Details: Bogota, Colombia: Vortex, 2016. 27p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Paper No. 4.: Accessed February 24, 2017 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/522e46_bee14894ac2a4354a2ae49710c88bdd0.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Congo, Democratic Republic

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/522e46_bee14894ac2a4354a2ae49710c88bdd0.pdf

Shelf Number: 141218

Conflict Minerals
Criminal Networks
Illegal Mining
Mining Industry
Natural Resources
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Natural Resources