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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

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Results for trafficking in waste

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Author: Eurojust

Title: Strategic project on environmental crime: report

Summary: Eurojust is pleased to present this report on the outcome of the Strategic Project (the 'Strategic Project') on Environmental Crime (the 'Report'). Eurojust launched the Strategic Project in spring 2013 on the basis of an intriguing paradox: there was growing evidence of an increasing understanding that environmental crime is a serious crime, often involving a cross-border dimension and organised crime groups (OCGs), while at the same time, statistics on prosecutions of environmental crime in the Member States did not appear to reflect the real impact of this crime. The number of cases referred to Eurojust, at that time, was also very low. A number of project activities carried out during the past year has enabled Eurojust to build significant expertise in the fight against environmental crime, to collect knowledge on the main obstacles as well as best practice when prosecuting environmental crime cases, and to look into possible solutions and the way ahead. This Report presents in its second chapter the project objectives, the methodology used to implement these objectives and the project activities undertaken to achieve these objectives. Based on the different sources of information available, the Environmental Crime Project Team (the Project Team) analysed the main issues in the prosecution and investigation of environmental crime, with a special focus on three topics: trafficking in endangered species, illegal trafficking in waste and surface water pollution. The first two are particularly important today at European Union level and are the focus of a number of EU and international initiatives. The analysis carried out on the three topics mentioned above is described in detail in three chapters. Two separate chapters are subsequently devoted to the national enforcement structure and access to expertise, and to possible solutions and best practice in tackling the challenges identified. In this context, it should be stressed that possibilities for enhanced cooperation among key stakeholders could assist Member States and Eurojust in supporting the investigation and prosecution of environmental crime cases more efficiently. Within this framework, it has already been proven that the partnership established through the Strategic Project between Eurojust and the European Network of Prosecutors for the Environment (ENPE) is particularly successful. In the conclusions, the main findings and challenges identified by the Project Team are presented. Eurojust hopes that the present Report will be instrumental in supporting the current developments and initiatives undertaken at EU and international level in the fight against environmental crime. Additionally, Eurojust believes that this Report could also contribute to raising awareness among practitioners, legislators and policy makers about the serious impact of this important crime phenomenon

Details: The Hague: Eurojust, 2014. 96p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 15, 2016 at: http://www.eurojust.europa.eu/doclibrary/eurojust-framework/casework/strategic%20project%20on%20environmental%20crime%20(october%202014)/environmental-crime-report_2014-11-21-en.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.eurojust.europa.eu/doclibrary/eurojust-framework/casework/strategic%20project%20on%20environmental%20crime%20(october%202014)/environmental-crime-report_2014-11-21-en.pdf

Shelf Number: 146122

Environmental Crime
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Waste
Trafficking in Wildlife