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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 9:04 am

Results for training handbook

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Author: Pan American Development Foundation

Title: Participant Handbook: A Curriculum for Police and Specialists in Crime Prevention among Youth

Summary: In the past fifteen years, the Caribbean has experienced significant increases in crime, especially with regard to domestic violence, substance abuse and gang activity among youth. These actions have had a major impact on, not only the victims and their families, but also the perpetrators, bystanders and society as a whole. The effects are widespread and include diminishing economic and social returns related to local business, tourism, investment and overall development indicators. Such challenges can result in an overburdened criminal justice system, and have negatively impacted the ability to combat crime by creating fear and distrust among citizens. To address these issues, police and other government agencies are now making social crime prevention a priority. In working together, police, government officials and key members of society can, and do, influence the quality of life in their communities. By creating mutually beneficial and trusting relationships, they can ensure government-citizen collaboration that affects positive change where they serve, especially among the next generation. The key is creating community-driven strategies for addressing crimes, while using evidence-based practices to apply lessons learned and ensure sustainability. This course is designed to help police and other specialists in crime prevention resolve the root causes of youth violence. It seeks to provide participants with an understanding of the role police and others (including youth) can play in crime prevention, as well as the importance of approaching prevention through a holistic process involving coordination across government agencies, community groups and families. It also aims to encourage participants to appreciate that the quality of community life can be improved by replacing longstanding barriers of mistrust with opportunities for partnership and communication. Ultimately, this course will provide participants with concrete skills for working with potential offenders through leadership, critical thinking, communication, planning and outreach. This Participant Handbook is meant to serve as an accompaniment to a 31-hour class-based course. It includes 10 modules in total, each consisting of 3 approximately one-hour long lessons (minus Module 9, which covers only one 4-hour lesson). The course addresses social crime prevention, communication, leadership, causes of youth crime and violence, evidence-based practices, politics, ethics, social media and action plans. There is a mid-term and final exam, as well as a class presentation on the action plans created.

Details: Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago: Ministry of National Security and Pan American Development Foundation, 2014. 107p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 21, 2019 at: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54073cece4b0bf6cd12bf4c9/t/546cebe5e4b07045cfc3fe5d/1416424421200/T%26T+Participant+Handbook+Sept+2014+FINAL_sm.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Trinidad and Tobago

URL: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54073cece4b0bf6cd12bf4c9/t/546cebe5e4b07045cfc3fe5d/1416424421200/T%26T+Participant+Handbook+Sept+2014+FINAL_sm.pdf

Shelf Number: 155944

Crime Prevention
Gang Activity
Law Enforcement
Training Handbook
Trinidad and Tobago
Violence Reduction