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Results for transformative justice

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Author: Generation Five

Title: Toward Transformative Justice: A Liberatory Approach to Child Sexual Abuse and other forms of Intimate and Community Violence. A Call to Action for the Left and the Sexual and Domestic Violence Sectors

Summary: This paper offers a substantive discussion on the liberatory politic of Transformative Justice. Transformative Justice, as defined in this paper, is premised on the idea that individual justice and collective liberation are equally important, mutually supportive, and fundamentally intertwined — the achievement of one is impossible without the achievement of the other. We believe that Transformative Justice presents us with a politic and model to heal the trauma of past violence, reduce the level of violence we experience, and mobilize masses of people. Transformative Justice is a response to the State’s inability to provide justice on either individual or collective levels. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a model that responds to experiences of violence without relying on current State systems. We believe this to be a liberating politic that creates opportunities for healing and transformation rather than retribution and punishment. Transformative Justice moves us toward equity and liberation rather than maintaining the inequality that the current State and systems maintain. The development of the Transformative Justice model is rooted in Generation FIVE’s substantive work on the personal and the political realities of child sexual abuse. One of the most intimate, stigmatized, and demonized forms of violence, child sexual abuse continues to be pervasive and persistent across nations, ‘race’, class, religions, and cultures. For a variety of reasons, including the State’s inability to create solutions that families and communities will use, people rarely report child sexual abuse. When they do report, they do not get the justice, safety, or change they seek. In addition to the State’s inability to address the needs of those who have been sexually abused, future violence is not prevented due to the lack of opportunities for transformation of individuals, relationships, families, or communities. As a result of this and the lack of viable alternatives, rates of child sexual abuse remain epidemic. This paper focuses on ways to secure both individual and social justice in cases of child sexual abuse. We assert that Transformative Justice is a way not only to address incidents of abuse but also to prevent further abuse by working on the social conditions that perpetuate and are perpetuated by child sexual abuse. Transformative Justice is also about building the capacity of individuals and collectives to address larger conditions of inequality and injustice as well as to challenge State violence. Section One explains Transformative Justice and argues the need for liberatory approaches to violence, in particular child sexual abuse. This section speaks to the urgency of addressing child sexual abuse as part of our liberation struggles, both as a specific form of violence that reflects and perpetuates multiple forms of oppression and as one that is exploited by the Right. A liberatory approach to child sexual abuse uniquely positions us to resist this exploitation. Section Two describes in detail the core principles of a Transformative Justice model. These include: liberation, shifting power, safety, accountability, collective action, honoring diversity and sustainability. Section Three proposes a set of practices to address child sexual abuse in a transformative way. Practices of Transformative Justice include: building a Collective, preparation and capacity building, naming and defining child sexual abuse, conducting assessment, developing a safety strategy, supporting healing and resilience, holding accountability, working for community transformation as well as strengthening collective resistance. The Conclusion offers next steps toward integrating Transformative Justice into intimate, activist and community networks, as well as mass-base and community organizations and the sexual and domestic violence sectors.

Details: San Francisco: Generation Five, 2007. 78p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 20, 2011 at: http://www.generationfive.org/downloads/G5_Toward_Transformative_Justice.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: United States

URL: http://www.generationfive.org/downloads/G5_Toward_Transformative_Justice.pdf

Shelf Number: 122798

Child Sexual Abuse
Restorative Justice
Sexual Abuse
Transformative Justice
Victims of Sexual Abuse