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Results for transport security

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Author: International Road Transport Union

Title: Attacks on Drivers of International Heavy Goods Vehicles; Survey Results

Summary: Since the tragic events in the United States on 11th September 2001, it has been increasingly recognised that all transport modes are at risk from terrorism and crime. Those involved in road freight transport also face a number of specific challenges, which include theft of goods and vehicles, attacks on truck drivers, illegal immigration, special risks related to the movement of dangerous goods by road, as well as smuggling. In addition to these often crime-related challenges, authorities and operators must remain vigilant to possible terrorist use or targeting of vehicles and infrastructure. These challenges – and their responses – pose serious daily problems for all actors involved in this sector: the drivers, transport companies, police / law enforcement agencies, authorities, politicians, trade associations, unions, insurers, truckstop operators and other players. Road freight transport, a vital element of international production schemes, trade and economic relations across frontiers in Europe and elsewhere, faces this challenge of enhanced security requirements against the background of a highly competitive road freight market. The number of vehicle thefts and freight robbery incidents appear to be increasing in many countries. The need to protect drivers, their vehicles and the freight carried is now becoming an issue of increasing concern. It can however be noted with satisfaction that measures of protection and prevention have already proved efficient in a few countries. Indeed, much work has already been done to address many of the multiple threats faced by the European transport sector. One type of threat in particular, attacks on international HGV drivers, has consistently been cited as a significant problem. To date, however, information needed to better understand the nature and scale of the problem and its consequences on transport drivers, companies and the sector as a whole has been lacking and only anecdotal evidence of attacks on drivers has been available. The apparent reasons for this are varied: drivers frequently do not inform the police of the attacks for multiple reasons such as language difficulty and lack of trust in authorities and insufficient information about where and to whom the attacks should be reported. When they are reported, these incidents are very often not centrally recorded or properly responded to. Indeed in many countries a comprehensive policy and decision-making framework at local and national level is not yet in place to countervail spreading crime on the roads. The most effective measures to fight crime, such as for example, a wider use of protective devices on board vehicles, providing sufficient secure truck parking areas, setting up efficient and accessible incident reporting and recording structures, implementing intra-company preventive and protective security measures, raising awareness, improving training and so on, are, in most countries, not or hardly implemented.

Details: Geneva: IRU, 2008. 11p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 11, 2011 at: http://www.internationaltransportforum.org/IntOrg/ecmt/crime/pdf/08AttackSurvey.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: International

URL: http://www.internationaltransportforum.org/IntOrg/ecmt/crime/pdf/08AttackSurvey.pdf

Shelf Number: 121712

Cargo Theft
Freight Industry
Stolen Goods
Stolen Property
Transport Security
Vehicle Theft
Workplace Crime

Author: Ekwall, Daniel

Title: Managing the Risk for Antagonistic Threats against the Transport Network

Summary: The World Trade Centre terror attack in 2001 changed the world and with it the conditions for logistics worldwide. The aftermath of the attack brought needed attention to the vulnerability of modern supply chains. This thesis addresses the antagonistic threats that exploit the vulnerability in a supply chain. Antagonistic threats are a limited array of risks and uncertainties and can be addressed with risk management tools and strategies. There are three key demarcations between antagonistic threats and other risks and uncertainties: deliberate (caused), illegal (defined by law), and hostile (negative impact, in this thesis, for transport network activities). This thesis makes a theoretical contribution to the usage of theories from criminology in supply chain risk management to handle antagonistic threats against the transport network. The recognition that antagonistic threats toward the transport network are a problem leads to verification of the research questions from the background and the theoretical framework. This is done to place or relate the research questions closer to the context. Furthermore, it leads to the conclusion that the answers may or may not contain competing and/or incompatible parts which differ depending on the perspective or viewpoint at the moment. One of the most important things to understand is that antagonistic threats toward freight always have been a feature in both business and politics. The different functions and goals for all stakeholders mean that all stakeholders and actors may use similar methods to manage antagonistic threats but the effects and consequences will change according to the circumstances. The system approach in this thesis is a soft-system thinking where reality is described in subjective terms and the whole system has the distinctive trait of vague or undefined boundaries between system components and the surrounding environment. Therefore, this thesis uses a complex system approach in which paradoxes and bounded rationality describes the system’s behaviour. This thesis defines the legal descriptions and criminal threats against and within supply chain management activities that entail both the systems context and boundaries. Managing of the antagonistic threats through the risk management perspective is separated into two sides, pre-event and post-event measures, which means the system needs to be robust and resilient, using logistics terms. It should be robust to automatically handle small risks (normally with high likelihood and low impact). The system also needs resilience in order to adapt, improvise, and overcome any disturbance greater than the system’s robustness can handle. Both robustness and its resilience can constitute of the full range of prevention, mitigation, and transferring tools and methods. Regardless of which perspective or viewpoint is chosen for analysing the problem, the same basic set of tools and methods are valid, but in practical use they need to be adapted to the actors’ needs and wants for managing their exposure to antagonistic threats.

Details: Göteborg : Chalmers University of Technology, 2009. 286p.

Source: Internet Resource: Doctoral Thesis: Accessed May 11, 2011 at: http://bada.hb.se/handle/2320/5033

Year: 2009

Country: International

URL: http://bada.hb.se/handle/2320/5033

Shelf Number: 121713

Cargo Theft
Risk Management
Supply Chain Security
Transport Security

Author: Ekwall, Daniel

Title: Value and incident categories for cargo theft in Europe: Analysing TAPA EMEA statistics

Summary: Purpose of this paper To analysis the relationship between value (reported stolen value) and different incident categories in order to find patterns and trends in cargo theft within Europe. Design/methodology/approach The research is explorative as this type of research is missing in logistics but also deductive as it utilizes theories from criminology. The analysis is based on TAPA EMEA's IIS transport related crime database. The result is analyzed and discussed within a frame of reference consisting of theories from logistics and criminology. Findings There are seasonal variations of incident categories. This variation is found both between months of the year and the day of the week for many of the incident categories, but the patterns are different for different incident categories. Within this understanding there are many changes in hot spots, modus operandi, theft endangered objects and handling methods during time, but the basic theoretical frame of reference is still more or less the same. Research limitations/implications The research is based on theories deduced from criminology and logistics together with secondary data regarding cargo theft. The geographically limitation to the Europe is done of practical reasons whiles the frame of reference can be used globally for analysis antagonistic threats against transports. Practical implications This research is limited by the content and classification within the TAPA EMEA IIS database. Nevertheless, this database is the best available database and the reports comes mainly from the industry itself, represented by the different TAPA members how report their losses anonymous, nevertheless the quality of the data limits the possibility to make normative statements about cargo theft prevention. What is original/value of paper This paper is the first within supply chain risk management that utilizes actual crime statistics reported by the industry itself, in order to analyze the occurrence of cargo theft by focusing on the value of the stolen vehicle/goods in relation with incident categories.

Details: Conference paper, 2012. 17p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 14, 2018 at: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:887489/FULLTEXT01.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:887489/FULLTEXT01.pdf

Shelf Number: 150871

Cargo Theft
Freight Industry
Risk Management
Stolen Goods
Stolen Property
Supply Chain Security
Theft of Goods
Transport Security