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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:57 am

Results for travelling criminals

1 results found

Author: ICF GHK

Title: Study on Possible Ways to Improve the Exchange of Information on Travelling Violent Offenders Including those Attending Sporting Events or Large Public Gatherings

Summary: The aim of this assignment was to inform EU decision-making on the possible ways of improving the exchange of information between Member States on travelling violent offenders (TVO) in connection with major events, including large public gatherings and sporting events. The assignment: "Analysed and provided an overview of the types of events which have been subject to unlawful disruption by TVO crossing national frontiers;" Analysed the law enforcement authorities of needs in relation to information on TVO in connection with major events, particularly regarding content on the subjects, format and time; "Analysed the different sources of information on TVO at national and EU level;" Provided a detailed analysis and description of how information exchange on TVO has occurred across the EU, particularly through the analysis of major events; Provided a detailed identification and analysis of the reasons for unsatisfactory exchange of information related to TVO; Analysed ways of providing a definition of the term TVO at EU level and proposed at least three definitions; Examined, described and evaluated different non-IT based options in order to improve the exchange of information on TVO; and Examined, described and evaluated IT based solutions in order to improve the exchange of information on TVO.

Details: Birmingham, UK: ICF GHK, 2013. 93p.

Source: Internet Resource: Final Report for Directorate-General for Home Affairs: Accessed August 24, 2015 at: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/home-affairs/e-library/documents/policies/police-cooperation/general/docs/study_on_improving_the_info_exchange_on_travelling_violent_offenders_march_2013_en.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Europe

URL: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/home-affairs/e-library/documents/policies/police-cooperation/general/docs/study_on_improving_the_info_exchange_on_travelling_violent_offenders_march_2013_en.pdf

Shelf Number: 136563

Information Sharing
Sporting Events
Travelling Criminals
Violent Offenders