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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

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Results for under-reporting

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Author: Papadopoulos, Georgios

Title: Are Immigrants more Criminal than Natives? An Application of some Estimators for Under-reported Outcomes using the Offending, Crime, and Justice Survey

Summary: This paper mainly studies the individual level relationship between immigration and property crime in England and Wales. For this purpose, the Offending, Crime, and Justice Survey is used, a representative national survey of self-reported crime. Models that account for under-reporting are used, as this is the major concern in selfreports. These models indicate that under-reporting is considerably large and depends on respondents' characteristics. However, our findings suggest that, if anything, immigrants tend to under-report less than natives. Binary choice models reveal that, after controlling for under-reporting and for basic demographic characteristics, the probability of committing a crime is lower for immigrants, but the difference is statistically insignificant. This finding is evident in count data models as well, as being an immigrant (insignificantly) decreases the mean number of crimes. Furthermore, violent crime results indicate that the immigrant-crime association is also negative for violent crime. Interestingly, a decomposition of immigrants by regions reveals that different regions attract immigrants of different criminal behavior, or that immigrants adapt differently across regions. Finally, the results also show that immigrants of different ethnic groups exhibit disparate criminal behavior.

Details: Colchester, UK: Department of Economics, University of Essex, 2010. 72p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 3, 2012 at: http://www.webmeets.com/files/papers/SAEE/2010/21/Job%20Market%20Paper-Are%20immigrants%20more%20criminal%20than%20natives-An%20application%20of%20estimators%20for%20under-reporting%20using%20the%20OCJS.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.webmeets.com/files/papers/SAEE/2010/21/Job%20Market%20Paper-Are%20immigrants%20more%20criminal%20than%20natives-An%20application%20of%20estimators%20for%20under-reporting%20using%20the%20OCJS.pdf

Shelf Number: 125141

Immigrants and Crime
Immigration (U.K.)
Property Crimes