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Results for undercover investigations

2 results found

Author: Creedon, Mick

Title: Operation Trinity: Report 2: Allegations of Peter Francis

Summary: Executive Summary Allegation - Sexual relationships between SDS Undercover Officers and activists On 14 March 2010, The Observer newspaper published a series of articles regarding the role of 'Officer A' within the SDS. It claimed that he had slept with two (2) members of his target group. It was alleged that whilst this was not sanctioned, such activity among SDS officers - both male and female - was tacitly accepted and in many cases was vital in maintaining an undercover role. On 22 January 2011, The Guardian newspaper published an article that undercover police officers routinely adopted a tactic of promiscuity with the 'blessing' of senior commanders. The same article alleged that sex was used as a tool to help officers blend in, and was widely used as a technique to glean intelligence. The source stated that they knew of an undercover officer who married an activist he was supposed to be spying upon. On 24 June 2013, Channel 4 broadcast the programme 'Dispatches - The Police's Dirty Secret'. In it a Mr Peter Francis said: 'that it was part of his persona, that he was the sort of person who had 'casual sex'. He stated that he did not see any circumstance that long term relationships, especially the fathering of children can be condoned or allowed. He stated that he believed that 'the use of casual sex by undercover police maybe warranted in very exceptional circumstances.' There are currently a number of civil actions lodged against the MPS by females alleging intimate relationships with undercover officers. Three (3) children are alleged to have been born as a result of these relationships. Operation Herne has contacted the solicitors concerned in order to speak to the claimants. Only one (1) evidential account has been provided. At this time the other remaining claimants have not engaged with Operation Herne. No contact or complaint has been received from any individual claiming to have had a sexual relationship with Peter Francis. Independent legal advice has been sought in respect of what offences, if any, have been committed in these circumstances. No offences contrary to the Sexual Offences Act are deemed to be complete although the behaviour could amount to Misconduct in a Public Office. There is no evidence at this time to suggest sexual relationships between undercover officers and activists were ever officially sanctioned by the SDS management. This remains an ongoing criminal investigation and an advice file has been submitted to the CPS. A case disposal decision is yet to be made. This will be the subject of further detailed public reporting once the various judicial proceedings have been completed.

Details: Ashbourne, UK: Derbyshire Constabulary, 2014. 84p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 16, 2019 at: https://www.met.police.uk/SysSiteAssets/foi-media/metropolitan-police/priorities_and_how_we_are_doing/corporate/operation-herne---report-2-allegations-of-peter-francis-operation-trinity

Year: 2014

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.statewatch.org/news/2014/mar/uk-operation-herne-report-2-Allegations-of-Peter-Francis.pdf

Shelf Number: 154218

Citizen Complaints
Operation Herne
Operation Trinity
Police Misconduct
Sexual Relationships
Undercover Investigations
Undercover Policing

Author: Kruisbergen, Edwin W.

Title: De digitalisering van georgansieerde criminaliteit

Summary: Justitiele verkenningen (Judicial explorations) is published six times a year by the Research and Documentation Centre of the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice in cooperation with Boom juridisch. Each issue focuses on a central theme related to judicial policy. The section Summaries contains abstracts of the internationally most relevant articles of each issue. The central theme of this issue (no. 5, 2018) is The digitalization of organized crime. The effect of the internet on the structure of organized cybercrime. Findings from an international empirical study Geralda Odinot, Christianne de Poot and Maite Verhoeven Worldwide, the digitalization of society is proceeding rapidly and this brings new forms of crime. The threats arising from different types of cybercrime are real and constantly evolving, as the internet with its anonymity and borderless reach, provides new opportunities for criminal activities. This article describes some results from an international empirical study aimed to gather more insight on the link between cybercrime and organized crime as well as on the question whether cybercrime is organized. It shows how cybercriminals cooperate with each other and what this organization structure looks like. Criminal money flows and IT. On innovative modi operandi, old certainties, and new bottlenecks Edwin Kruisbergen, Rutger Leukfeldt, Edward Kleemans and Robby Roks In this article we analyze how organized crime offenders use IT to handle their money flows. How and to what extent do offenders use IT-facilitated possibilities, such as bitcoin, to launder their money? The empirical data consist of thirty large-scale police investigations. These thirty cases are part of the Organized Crime Monitor, an ongoing research project into the nature of organized crime in the Netherlands. One of the most striking findings is the fact that cash is still king - even for online drug dealers who get paid in digital currencies. Summaries 119 Organized child pornography networks on the Dark Web Madeleine van der Bruggen The emergence of Dark Web child pornography forums and their availability to large offender communities has enabled a professional form of child pornography distribution as well as an increased exchange of criminal and social capital. Offenders have access to a new platform in which strong ties and long-lasting relationships with co-offenders are formed. Moreover they could be classified as organized crime, because child pornography Dark Web forums are characterized by a hierarchical order, a clear role division and illegal power structures that regulate the illegal activities. The implications from a law enforcement as well as from scientific perspective are discussed. The non-human (f)actor in cybercrime. Cybercriminal networks seen from a cyborg crime perspective Wytske van der Wagen and Frank Bernaards Botnets, banking malware and other high-tech crimes are increasingly analyzed by criminological scholars. Their distributed and automated nature poses however various theoretical challenges. This article presents an alternative approach, denoted as the 'cyborg crime' perspective, which adopts a more hybrid view of networks and also assigns an active role to technology. The value of this approach is demonstrated by reflecting on findings from earlier empirical work that analyzes conversations between cybercriminals involved in botnets and related activities. The research shows that technological nodes can take an important position in the organizational structure of cybercriminal networks and do not merely have a functional role. Viewing technology as an actor within a criminal network might offer new criminological insights in both the composition of these networks and how to disrupt them. Out of the shadow. Opportunities for researchers in studying dark markets Thijmen Verburgh, Eefje Smits and Rolf van Wegberg In this article the authors present the lessons learned from previous research efforts into dark markets. First the important features of dark markets are discussed, i.e. anonymity and trust, as well as the question how data on dark markets can be collected. Next, the authors illustrate 120 Justitiele verkenningen, jrg. 44, nr. 5, 2018 how this data can be used to study the phenomenon of dark markets itself as well as the impact of police interventions on dark markets. Befriending a criminal suspect on Facebook. Undercover powers on the Internet Jan-Jaap Oerlemans This article investigates which online undercover investigative methods are applied in practice and how they fit in the Dutch legal framework. In particular, the three special investigative powers of a pseudo purchase, systematic information gathering and infiltration are examined. Investigative powers cannot be applied unilaterally (across state borders). When law enforcement officials cannot reasonably determine the location of the suspect, the online unilateral application of undercover investigative powers is allowed. However, there is still a risk that diplomatic tensions arise with the involved state. States should agree in treaties under which circumstances cross-border online undercover operations are allowed. New investigative powers and the right to privacy. An analysis of the Dutch Cybercrime III Act Bart Custers In 2018 the Dutch parliament accepted new cybercrime legislation (the Cybercrime III Act) that creates several new online criminal offences and gives law enforcement agencies new investigative powers on the Internet. This article describes the background of Dutch cybercrime legislation and the contents of the Cybercrime III Act. The newly introduced cybercrimes are discussed as well as the new investigative competences. Particularly the legitimacy and the necessity of the investigative power of the police to hack computer systems of suspects may significantly interfere with the right to privacy.

Details: The Hague: Netherlands Ministry of Justice, 2018. 120p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 24, 2019 at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325966795_Georganiseerde_criminaliteit_en_ICT_-_Rapportage_in_het_kader_van_de_vijfde_ronde_van_de_Monitor_Georganiseerde_Criminaliteit/related

Year: 2018

Country: Netherlands

URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325966795_Georganiseerde_criminaliteit_en_ICT_-_Rapportage_in_het_kader_van_de_vijfde_ronde_van_de_Monitor_Georganiseerde_Criminaliteit/related

Shelf Number: 154396

Child Pornography
Dark Networks
Internet Crimes
Organized Crime
Undercover Investigations