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Results for victimization surveys (international)

1 results found

Author: New Zealand. Ministry of Justice

Title: NZCASS in an International Context: Comparing the New Zealand Crime and Safety Survey with other international victim surveys

Summary: Since the inception of the first large-scale victimisation survey in the United States in the 1960s, countries across the world have implemented national-level surveys of crime victims. In addition, the International Crime Victims Survey has been operating since 1989 and by its fifth sweep in 2004/05 had been conducted in 78 countries. The proliferation of national-level and international victimisation survey results, together with the growing tendency to export and import criminal justice policies on a global scale, has made the international comparison of crime and victimisation levels both expected and inevitable. It is therefore appropriate to reflect on how the results from the 2009 New Zealand Crime and Safety Survey (NZCASS) compare with those from other countries. The purpose of this paper is two-fold: first, to highlight some common high-level findings across the different surveys and reflect on the implications of these findings for crime prevention in New Zealand; second, to broadly compare the method and design of the NZCASS with other international surveys, highlighting key differences and the impact these have for comparing precise results across different countries. In addition to the NZCASS, this paper has considered the following national-level surveys: the British Crime Survey in England and Wales (Walker et al 2009); the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (Page et al 2010a,b; MacLeod et al 2009); the Northern Ireland Crime Survey (Toner and Freel, 2009); the National Crime Victims Survey (NCVS) in the United States (Rand, 2009), the General Social Survey in Canada (Gannon and Mihorean, 2005); the Crime Victimisation Survey in Australia (ABS, 2010). The International Crime Victims Survey has also been taken into account (van Dijk, van Kesteren and Smit, 2007).

Details: Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Justice, 2010. 10p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 6, 2011 at: http://www.justice.govt.nz/publications/global-publications/c/NZCASS-2009/publications/global-publications/c/NZCASS-2009/documents/The%20NZCASS%20in%20an%20international%20context.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.justice.govt.nz/publications/global-publications/c/NZCASS-2009/publications/global-publications/c/NZCASS-2009/documents/The%20NZCASS%20in%20an%20international%20context.pdf

Shelf Number: 122659

Crime Surveys
Victimization Surveys (International)