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Date: October 20, 2024 Sun

Time: 1:19 am

Results for victims of crime (italy)

1 results found

Author: Oliva, Nicola S.

Title: Meeting "Jeweller's Block" for the Italian Market: Statistic trend of robberies and consequent risks' improvement

Summary: The year end reports of the Italian Public Prosecutor’s Offices, based also on the reports issued by police forces, once again draw a general criminal overview that does not practically differ from the trend of previous years, as it is confirmed by the statistics described ahead. The statistics provided by ISTAT (National Institute of Statistics) show that the crimes registered by the Public Prosecutor’s Offices (including those committed by unknown) have decreased from last year even though less than two years ago. Even though some crimes are sensitively decreased, however the tendency to crimes’ reduction confirmed by this data cannot be considered general because, on the other hand, it is registered an increase of those crimes that provoke a high social alarm (robberies, extortions and thefts). As we will notice through the graphics that we will soon analyze, the situation is different for what concerns the trend of robberies in the jewellery sector; this sector comprises either the robberies to shops/workshops and the robberies to carriers. This second category does not include the sending losses. Our analysis does not take in consideration the thefts because we do not consider them of great relevance in this field: the smash and grab and in general the thefts of valuables out of safes usually result in damages of low entity and the total thefts are extremely rare. Furthermore, not all the thefts are denounced to police forces.

Details: Torino, Italy: Oliva & Associates, 2004. 19p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 22, 2012 at http://www.olivaeassociates.it/downloads/2003_munich_-_crime_stat.pdf

Year: 2004

Country: Italy

URL: http://www.olivaeassociates.it/downloads/2003_munich_-_crime_stat.pdf

Shelf Number: 126093

Crime Statistics (Italy) Robbery
Jewellery Store Robbery (Italy)
Jewelry Stores (Italy)
Robberies (Italy)
Theft (Italy)
Victims of Crime (Italy)