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Results for victims of family violence, protection

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Author: Denman, Kristine

Title: Petitioning for a Domestic Violence Order of Protection: An Examination of Abuse Descriptions, Outcomes, and Multiple Petition Filings

Summary: The popular media and the scholarly literature have both evaluated the utility of civil protection orders as a tool for curbing domestic violence and limiting its physical and emotional consequences. Much of the prior research has focused on the effectiveness of orders. Some research has examined the factors that influence whether orders are granted or denied, noting that lack of petitioner follow through is the most common reason that initial requests for orders do not result in a permanent order.. This research has generally overlooked the dynamic nature of the petition process, examining one particular element of the process (e.g., violations or dropped petitions) rather than the process as a whole. Specifically, prior research has failed to examine how petitioners navigate the petition process, whether elements of the process itself affect how petitioners frame the abuse they experience, and how the protection order process plays out once a request for an order is initiated. Additionally, focusing on a specific part of the process means researchers have overlooked a particularly unique set of cases, those involving multiple petitions for protection over time. This project utilizes case-level data to explore the petition process and examine how and why domestic violence victims use the civil court system to file for a Domestic Violence Order of Protection (DVOP). We assess in some detail case-level features that are implicated in the decision to seek court protection from domestic abuse and in the success of that court intervention. We concentrate on three primary objectives in the current research: 1) to identify the nature of abuse incidents that lead victims to pursue protection orders, 2) to examine the processing of protection orders, including requests made to and granted by the court, whether temporary orders are extended or not, and the nature of and response to reported violations, and 3) to examine cases involving multiple filings to explore abuse, relationship patterns and court outcomes over time. This research is a first step towards evaluating whether and how well the system is set up to meet the needs of petitioners, by focusing on the process, in relation to its outcome rather than focusing exclusively on the outcome. The data for this research are derived from protection order requests processed at the Domestic Violence Division of the Bernalillo County Court House in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We randomly selected 190 cases from all cases involving one single adult respondent and one single adult petitioner filed in 2002. While each case file involves a single petitioner and respondent, it may include multiple petitions for protection. Except when specifically examining cases with multiple filings, we focus on the petition filed in 2002. Data includes both quantitative and qualitative elements. The data are culled directly from the case file, which includes the Petition for an Order of Protection and all other forms resulting from petition processing. While the quantitative data provide some descriptive information, the findings are primarily derived from the qualitative case narrative data. Case narratives are comprised of the petitioner’s written description of the abuse and the events documented in each case file. In addition to collecting case file data, we observed both the petition and the DVOP hearing process. The purpose of these observations was simply to inform our analysis and recommendations. This document provides a brief reporting of key findings for this project.

Details: Albuquerque, NM: New Mexico Statistical Analysis Center, Institute for Social Research, University of New Mexico, 2009. 114p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 20, 2010 at: http://nmsac.unm.edu/contact_information/nmsac_publications/

Year: 2009

Country: United States

URL: http://nmsac.unm.edu/contact_information/nmsac_publications/

Shelf Number: 120026

Domestic Violence
Intimate Partner Violence
Victims of Family Violence, Protection