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Results for violence against men (finland)

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Author: Heiskanen, Markku

Title: Men's Experiences of Violence in Finland

Summary: This report describes violence committed against men in Finland. The study was financed by the European Commission, the Finnish Ministry of Justice and the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The initial objective of the project was to pilot the Safety Survey of the EU (EU-SASU). Thus, the study deals both with men’s and women’s experiences of violence. Although the main focus of the report is on violence experienced by men, data on women are presented for comparison. DATA. The study targeted the 15-74-year-old Finnish-speaking population who were permanent residents of Finland. The sample comprised 7,171 persons, randomly selected by Statistics Finland from their population register. Statistics Finland collected the data between October 2009 and January 2010. The response rate was 45 per cent, hence the data consist of 3,201 interviews. Of the respondents, 1,918 were men. The study was a mixed-mode survey, meaning that the data were collected by three modes: face-to-face interview, telephone interview and internet survey. The low response rate is in the first place due to the non-response (75 %) of the internet survey. Experiences of violence were assessed for two time periods: since the respondent’s 15th birthday and during the 12 months prior to the interview. In addition, this survey explores violence committed by four types of perpetrators: strangers, acquaintances, current partners and ex-partners. Furthermore, there were questions about the consequences of the violence, such as physical injuries and psychological harm. Finally, the questionnaire addressed sexual harassment and fear of violence. THE MEN. More than one-half, or 55 per cent of all men between 15 and 74 years had experienced violence or threats since the age of 15. In the course of the last 12 months, 16 per cent of men had been victims of violence or threats. The victimisation experiences of men are dominated by physical violence. A total of 47 per cent of the men had experienced physical violence after their 15th birthday. Men were most often victims of violence committed by strangers (42 % since the age of 15 and 10 % over the last 12 months). This violence is predominantly physical violence and threats thereof. Sexual violence against men was rare. Since their 15th birthday, one-fourth of the men had been victims of violence by a person known to them. In the last 12 months, this had happened to 5 per cent. In this study, acquaintances comprise persons known to the victim, friends, relatives and family members apart from partners and ex-partners. The majority of this type of violence was committed by friends (37 %) or other acquaintances (24 %). 17 per cent of the perpetrators were clients, patients, workmates or persons in the workplace. 15 per cent of the perpetrators known to the victim belonged to the family circle or were relatives but not partners. The violence by a person known to the victim was mostly physical violence or threats thereof. In both violence committed by strangers and by persons, the perpetrators were almost always other men (about 95 % in both categories). Of men living in a partner relationship, 16 per cent had after their 15th birthday been victimised to violence or threats by their partner; six per cent had such experiences in the last year. More than one man out of five had been victimised to violence by an ex-partner. MEN AND WOMEN. Violence committed by partners was equally common among men and women. The same was true also for violence by a current partner, both during the entire partnership and in the course of the last 12 months. There was no difference regarding victimisation to physical violence, but women had experienced more often threats and sexual violence in a partner relationship. Men had experienced violence by an ex-partner much less frequently than women (22 % vs. 42 %). Men received physical injuries from violence by strangers much more frequently than women, but in the other perpetrator categories women had received injuries more often than men. This was particularly accentuated in partner violence. Men told much less often than women that the violence had caused psychological consequences such as anger, fear or depression. When comparing men’s and women’s violence experiences across perpetrator categories, a traditional profile of Finnish violence emerges. In the violence by strangers and acquaintances – for instance in regards of beating with a fist or still more serious forms of violence – the victims are mostly men. On the other hand, in particular in previous partner relationships, beating, strangling, beating the head against something, and sexual violence were directed at women more often than at men. HARASSMENT AND CONCERN. Ten per cent of the men had experienced sexual harassment in the last 12 months, and 26 per cent after their 15th birthday. The most common forms of harassment of men were passes, touching, or attempts to kiss the man against his will. More than one-half of the incidents of sexual harassment of men were committed by women. Although the risk of becoming a victim of violence committed by strangers is rather high for men, they are not worried about becoming victims of violence when walking alone in their area after dark: less than five percent of men said they felt unsafe. Victimisation to violence increases feelings of insecurity: 15 per cent of male victims of violence felt unsafe. Even though men were not worried about their personal safety, 22 per cent of them were worried about their family members or close friends being physically attacked by strangers.

Details: Helsinki: European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations (HEUNI), 2011. 108p.

Source: Internet Resource: Publication Series No. 71: Accessed November 5, 2011 at: http://www.heuni.fi/Satellite?blobtable=MungoBlobs&blobcol=urldata&SSURIapptype=BlobServer&SSURIcontainer=Default&SSURIsession=false&blobkey=id&blobheadervalue1=inline;%20filename=HEUNI%20report%2071%20Men's%20experiences%20of%20violence.pdf&SSURIsscontext=Satellite%20Server&blobwhere=1296734018191&blobheadername1=Content-Disposition&ssbinary=true&blobheader=application/pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Finland

URL: http://www.heuni.fi/Satellite?blobtable=MungoBlobs&blobcol=urldata&SSURIapptype=BlobServer&SSURIcontainer=Default&SSURIsession=false&blobkey=id&blobheadervalue1=inline;%20filename=HEUNI%20report%2071%20Men's%20experiences%20o

Shelf Number: 123235

Family Violence
Intimate Partner Violence
Sexual Harassment
Violence Against Men (Finland)